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    On March 15, 1937, Howard Philips Lovecraft - better known as H.P. Lovecraft - author of horror, fantasy and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction, passed away. He is reknown as the originator of the Cthulhu Mythos story cycle and the Necronomicon, a fictional magical textbook of rites and forbidden lore. My first acquaintance with the weird literary fiction of H.P. Lovecraft dates back to my schooldays, when hanging around in the public library, looking for something interesting to read. Being an adolescent is perhaps the best time to read Lovecraft, as author Joyce Carol Oates says. In these days, I really liked to read science fiction stories. Thus, when browsing the library shelves, I encountered this strange author, whose books were so different from what I had read before.
    12 years ago by @lysander07
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