Building and Promoting a Linux-based Operating System to Support Virtual Organizations for Next Generation Grids (2006-2010). The emergence of Grids enables the sharing of a wide range of resources to solve large-scale computational and data intensive problems in science, engineering and commerce. While much has been done to build Grid middleware on top of existing operating systems, little has been done to extend the underlying operating systems to enablee and facilitate Grid computing, for example by embedding important functionalities directly into the operating system kernel.
DOE says that its supercomputers are already running simulations that have datasets on the terabyte scale and that soon they will be chewing through datasets in the petabytes range. For instance, a climate model that spans past, present, and future at Lawrence Livermore National Lab currently spans 35 terabytes and is being used by over 2,500 researchers worldwide. An updated (and presumably finer-grained) climate model is expected to have a dataset in the range of 650 terabytes and the distributed archive of datasets related to this model is expected to be somewhere between 6 and 10 petabytes. To move such datasets around the ESnet network requires a lot more bandwidth and better protocols than Gigabit Ethernet.
iRODS, which stands for i Rule Oriented Data Systems, is a project for building the next generation data management cyberinfrastructure. There are raging discussions in our group about what the i in iRODS means? There is no consensus and even individual attribution to the letter changes day by day. Is it integrated, intelligent, intuitive, internet, invaluable or possibly incomprehensible? One of the main ideas behind iRODS is to provide a system that enables a flexible, adaptive, customizable data management architecture. Hence, we leave it to individual users to hang an explanation for the i based on their intoxicating experience, or most possibly based on irritating frustrations.
we describe an end to end prototype environment that allows existing applications to run on the grid, taking advantage of open source software that provides a portal interface using GridSphere, with transparent GSI authentication using GAMA, a Web service
OGF is an open community committed to driving the rapid evolution and adoption of applied distributed computing. Applied Distributed Computing is critical to developing new, innovative and scalable applications and infrastructures that are essential to p
DEISA, the Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications, is a consortium of leading national Supercomputing centres that aims at fostering the pan-European world-leading computational science research.
It looks like we have to say goodbye to our good, old grids of the past -- at least to all those beautiful features and capabilities envisioned 10 years ago, when grids were supposed to evolve toward coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dyn
The semantic grid uses metadata to describe information in the grid. Turning information into something more than just a collection of data means understanding the context, format, and significance of the data. The semantic Web follows this model by provi
NetSolve/GridSolve is a project that aims to bring together disparate computational resources connected by computer networks. It is a RPC based client/agent/server system that allows one to remotely access both hardware and software components.
Research Papers from Globus Alliance Members The Globus Alliance has produced a broad collection of papers on the Grid, distributed computing, applied computer science, and related topics.