"Zones provide a new isolation primitive for the Solaris OS, which is secure, flexible, scalable and lightweight: virtualized OS services which look like different Solaris instances. Together with the existing Solaris Resource management framework, Solaris Zones forms the basis of Solaris Containers. "
ZFS Learning Center Get familiar with the world's most advanced file system—Solaris ZFS—with easy access to multimedia presentations and demos at the ZFS Learning Center.
Installing Solaris Every once in a while -- every year or two, as it happens -- I need to install Solaris on a SPARC machine here at home. From a Linux server. This, you might think, shouldn't be too hard a thing to do. And you'd be right: it's not. What is hard to do, however, is configure your Linux server correctly, as the various scripts and whatnot that Sun provide aren't entirely suited to the GNU tools, and have a tendency to break. Not good. So, here is a shortlist of issues you may face when attempting this. Google is not always helpful, and to save me the usual three hours or so it takes to work all this lot out again from first principles, here's a list of what goes wrong, how to fix it, and how to identify the problems.
Is it a bug or a feature that the solaris iscsi initiator isn't able to connect to an iscsi target on the same machine, using either the localhost address or the machine's own ip address?
During the last couple of weeks I worked with a customer who bought a Sun Fire X4500 server (you know, Thumper). The plan is to run Solaris ZFS on it, then provide big iSCSI volumes to the video editing systems, which tend to be specialized Windows or Mac OS X machines. Wonderful idea: Just use zpool create to combine a number of disks with some RAID level into a pool, then zfs create -V to create a ZVOL. Thanks to zfs shareiscsi=on, sharing the volume over iSCSI is dead easy.
A version of Solaris that is known to work with the instructions in this wiki is Solaris Express Developer Edition (last checked for version 5/2007). You can find it here: http://developers.sun.com/sxde/
By integrating state of the art server and storage technologies, the Sun Fire X4500 Server delivers the remarkable performance of a four-way x64 server and the highest storage density available, with up to 48 TB in 4U of rack space. This system also deliv
The Sun Visualization System integrates workstations, servers, networking, interconnects, graphics, and innovative software to provide both scalable and sharable visualization solutions. Based on high performance Sun Fire servers, high speed/low-latency i
Sun Shared Visualization v1.1 is a unique visualization middleware that "virtualizes" visualization by treating the graphics hardware resources as a resource pool and dynamically assigning them to either sharing or scaling or both. Users on a variety of p
The Crossbow early access builds will be made available on this page. We will release a new set of builds after new functionality becomes available. When a new build is ready, we will send out an announcement to networking-discuss and crossbow-discuss. Pr