Here is an Always panty liners. We have noticed that in all ad's for feminine products (pads, tampons, panty liners) that companies feel the need to disguise a womens menstral blood with a clear blue liquid. We find this offensive and creates shame for women in terms of their natural biological functions. Our tag reads "Guess?…
We live in a cyborg society. Technology has infiltrated the most fundamental aspects of our lives: social organization, the body, even our self-concepts. This blog chronicles our new, augmented reality.
CrossingTV è la prima webtv delle cross-generation, pensata e realizzata da una redazione di 16-20enni. CrossingTV racconta i molteplici e variegati universi giovanili che non vengono mai rappresentati dai media mainstream. CrossingTV parla di amori, passioni, musiche, culture, mode, cucina, attualità e molto di più! Clikka giovane clikka CrossingTV!