Human 1.0 (formerly Beeline Labs), Deloitte and the Society of New Communications Research have launched an annual survey to examine how the world’s most innovative and biggest organizations are managing communities, measuring success, and deriving business benefits.
I Had Cancer. Support network for cancer survivors, fighters, and their supporters/caregivers. Share your cancer experience, connect with others and help each other.
Facebook rolled out its Timeline format for brands this week. It's still early, but we've already seen how the new format opens up fresh opportunities for businesses.
Uno degli aspetti fondamentali che la rivoluzione social pone all'attenzione delle aziende è costituito dalla necessità di aprire i confini organizzativi. Questo significa che, da una parte, all'interno devono aumentare le sinergie, il dialogo costante, le iniziative congiunte fra funzioni...
This infographics aims to present advocacy at a glance, explaining where it sits on the audience relationship spectrum while visualizing the steps organizations can follow to move connections towards becoming advocates.