Use One "Bookmarklet" to tag one page for all these services: Blinklist Blogmarks Blogmemes Feedmelinks Furl Jots Linkroll ma.gnolia Maple OpenBM Rawsugar Shadows Simpy Spurl Wink
Email graphic traceroute Paste an email with full headers (we need the 'Received' lines -- we don't need your email addresses, digg). The app will (we hope) trace the path your email message took as it passed through various servers, on Google maps.
Search results selected by people. Mark your favorite pages - Describe them by entering tags. Create and contribute to Collections about any topic. Block sites you don't like. Everything you do at Wink makes Web search better for you and for one another
Rubhub is a lookup engine for determining the relationships between people who author personal websites. The relationships are based on XFN, the first offering of the Global Multimedia Protocols Group (GMPG).
I want to talk about what I now think is one of the core challenges for designing large-scale social software. Let me offer a definition of social software, because it's a term that's still fairly amorphous. My definition is fairly simple: It's software t
Taggound is a social search engine mashup. What does that mean? Tagground searches various social web applications (ex. yahoo my web 2.0,, raw sugar, flickr, You Tube etc) repositories to retrieve relational data (ie tags, urls) that other use