EUROPA - Summaries of EU legislation - This Directive aims to facilitate cross-border mergers between limited liability companies in the European Union. The measures envisaged by the EU are designed to reduce the cost of such operations, to guarantee their legal certainty and to offer this option to the maximum number of companies, particularly those not wishing to set up a European Company, (SE).
Action Plan: European company law and corporate governance – 12.12.2012 | Consultation on the future of European Company Law – 20.02.2012 | Conference on “European Company Law: the way forward” – 16–17.05.2011
Last week the European Commission published its long-awaited Action Plan on European Company Law and Corporate Governance. [1] Given the direction the political winds are blowing these days in Brussels, the general thrust of the Action Plan should not be a surprise. Nevertheless, those hoping for a departure from the ‘shareholder value’ philosophy which has dominating the Commission’s approach the past decade can’t help but be disappointed. (By Sigurt Vitols) - Retrouvez toutes les actualités du Président de la République, l'agenda, les comptes rendus du Conseil des ministres, les interventions du Président, les communiqués et dossiers de presse. Une carte interactive reprend tous les déplacements géolocalisés en France du Président ainsi que les actions associées.