The “Health Data Hub” will soon offer health data on all French citizens to AI startups that request it. It is the latest step in a project to centralize health information that began 200 years ago and kept oscillating between care and control, but mostly control.
The European Union debates a new law that could force platforms to scan all private messages for signs of child abuse. Its most prominent advocate is the actor Ashton Kutcher.
Facebook has shelved plans to roll out its 'Facebook Workplace' software, after being accused of breaching a series of internationally-recognised workers' rights by attempting to blacklist terminology associated with employee unionisation during the trialling of new features of the software.
During an internal presentation at Facebook on Wednesday, the company debuted features for Facebook Workplace, an intranet-style chat and office collaboration product similar to Slack.
The hope of those who support the proposal is that the largest platforms would be required to either pay for use of copyrighted content that is uploaded or block content that is not authorised to be uploaded. Is this hope justified?