By Ellen Brown
Several central banks, including the Bank of England, the People’s Bank of China, the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve, are exploring the....blockchain
Martin Hiesboeck:
[B]lockchain won’t just kill banks, brokers and credit card companies. It will change every transactional process you know. Simply put, blockchain eliminates the need for clearinghouse entities of any kind. And that means a revolution is coming, a fundamental sea change in the way we do business.
[Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the best-selling Web of Debt. Her latest book, The Public Bank Solution, explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her 300+ blog articles are at She can be heard biweekly on “It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown” on PRN.FM.]
Mike Hearn3 days ago18 min read
I’ve spent more than 5 years being a Bitcoin developer. The software I’ve written has been used by millions of users, hu…
"...a crisis that reflects deep philosophical differences in how people view the world: either as one that should be ruled by a “consensus of experts”, or through ordinary people picking whatever policies make sense to them."
May 17, 201 "While we are [again] accepting Bitcoin donations, EFF is not endorsing Bitcoin. EFF does not typically endorse products or services, and we certainly do not endorse any of the electronic payment methods that we currently accept (credit cards, PayPal, and now BitPay)."
camille - February 7, 2014 "A theoretical question on my mind: has anyone ever tried putting a voluntary botnet at work to mine crypto-currencies for philanthropic fundraising purposes? "
Tokyo-baserade Mt Gox, en av världens största handelsplatser för den virtuella valutan bitcoin, har släckts ned. Mt Gox stoppade tidigare i februari uttag tillsvidare sedan ledningen uppdagat misstänkta affärer. 25 februari 2014
Our Vision: A Peer-to-Peer Organization We are determined to keep Bitcoin rooted in its core principles: non-political economy, openness and independence. While we aim to advance standards and security, we remain strong advocates of the liberating power of decentralized money. Our goal is to act as both an organizing body for Bitcoin and simultaneously be inclusive of the general Bitcoin community. Only then will our mission succeed.
By Primavera De Filippi , Wired 03.08.14 "As opposed to the other blockchain-based distributed applications described above — from messaging to contracts — Ethereum can be regarded as a kind of distributed operating system: a platform allowing for new applications to be developed upon it, so as to eventually create self-validating contracts and autonomous systems that operate directly on the blockchain."
Mt. Gox ei hae enää konkurssisuojaa, vaan anoo yrityksen likvidointia, Wall Street Journal sai tietää. 127 000 asiakkaan toiveet rahojensa saamisesta takaisin heikentyivät entisestään. Mt. Goxin pääjohtaja Mark Karpelès kieltäytyi juuri saapumasta Yhdysvaltoihin vastaamaan oikeudessa asiakkaiden kysymyksiin.