10.6.24 « Au sujet de l’Ukraine, le président Lula a réitéré sa défense de négociations de paix impliquant les deux côtés du conflit », a indiqué la présidence brésilienne dans un communiqué, précisant que Lula avait « reçu un appel » de M. Poutine dans la matinée, au moment où se prépare en Suisse, sans Moscou et à l’initiative de Kyiv, une conférence sur la paix en Ukraine qui aura lieu le week-end prochain.
After their meeting, Xi said that Europe is an “independent pole in a multipolar world.” That the Chinese leader should make such a statement is not surprising. That a major American European and NATO ally should sign on to it is. The joint declaration issued by Xi and Macron following their talks declares that “They seek to strengthen the multilateral international system under the aegis of the United Nations, in a multipolar world.”
One week after Macron flew out of Beijing, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva flew in. Like Macron, he arrived with a huge entourage of business executives. Accompanied by 240 business representatives, Lula and Xi signed several agreements on trade and investment
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz bit the dust Monday in Brasilia when President Luiz Inàcio Lula da Silva refused to support Ukraine even verbally and rejected the European leader's invitation to join his Climate Club initiative. Furthermore, Lula also turned down a German request to send ammunition to Kyiv.
An abandoned highrise building occupied by squatters in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil caught fire and collapsed Tuesday, sending chunks of fiery debris crashing...
A temporary WhatsApp shutdown is not even close to the craziest thing happening with the Brazilian internet right now. If Brazil’s conservative Congress..
Le président Sarkozy n’a-t-il fait de l'exportation de la technologie nucléaire française une de ses priorités diplomatiques et commerciales ? Si la conférence de Copenhague débouche sur un traité (peu probable) ou des engagements politiques fermes sur le
By ALAN CLENDENNING The Associated Press Wednesday, January 27, 2010; 11:42 AM PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil -- Brazil's first working-class president got a hero's welcome at the World Social Forum, wowing 10,000 leftists with a vow to reproach the planet's busin
Die brasilianische Regierung plant am Xingu-Fluss das drittgrößte Wasserkraftwerk der Welt. Am Montag [8.2.2010] erteilte das staatliche Institut für Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen (IBAMA) dem umstrittenen Wasserkraftwerksprojekt „Belo Monte“ eine erste
China and Brazil have signed several trade agreements on the sidelines of a shortened Bric summit in Brasilia. The deals are aimed at boosting trade and energy co-operation between the two states and include a pact to build a Chinese steel plant in Brazil
Analysis by Beatriz Bissio * RIO DE JANEIRO, Apr 16, 2010 (IPS) - Since the emergence of the Non-Aligned Movement, there has been no louder and more compelling call for a rethinking of the international economic system as the one issued this week in Brazi
Alain Gresh: "En 2004 encore, c’était la troïka européenne (France, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne) qui paraphait, le 14 novembre, un accord avec la République islamique : l’Iran acceptait de signer le protocole additionnel du Traité de non prolifération (TNP) pr
The article quotes the following: "Speaking in Rio late in August 2008, the Minister of Defense Nelson Jobim explained that the modernization of Brazil’s defense required a massive transfer of technology from France - and that this was essential if Brazil
Kauppalehti 25.2.2010: " Talvivaara on sitoutunut myymään kaiken nikkelinsä Harjavallan tehtaalle. Toisin sanoen kaivos on täysin riippuvainen Harjavallan venäläisen omistajan Norilsk Nickelin ostoista. " Norilsk Nickel ostaa sopimuksen mukaan Mirabelan
with massive oil and gas finds currently under development, the future looks distinctly choppy for the host of renewable and cleantech companies that have emerged in response to high prices and supply-side shocks like the Arab Spring. ... the potential for falling prices and huge expansions in availability from Brazil, Iraq and smaller players as well as shale gas development was the subject of this panel at the US Association for Energy Economics Summit ... the wide-ranging discussion, ... covered evaluations of energy policy impacts, shale gas supply and demand, supply scalability and new energy technologies like hydrogen fuel cells.