”Det paaligger Statens Myndigheder at lægge Forholdene til Rette for en aaben og oplyst offentlig Samtale" vurderingene som Regjeringen Bondevik presenterte i mars 2004 gjennom Stortingsmelding nr. 26(2003-2004) Om endring av Grunnlovens §100. I kapittel 7 ”Infrastrukturkravet” kom argumentasjonen for grunnlovsfestingen av et krav til infrastruktur. Robert Vaagan
« Above the Law: A Legal Web Site – News, Commentary, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law Schools, Law Suits, Judges and Courts + Career Resources 2.2.12
Andreas Whittam Smith 16.12.10: comparison of of al-qaida and anonymous "it is global, it is networked and it is decentralised", but: "Anonymous seems to lack a command structure (al-Qa'ida "central", as it is known, undoubtedly does have one)" "Mr Bobbitt didn't feel the need to explain "informational", but the WikiLeaks publications of US State Department cables and the subsequent so-called cyber war show what he had in mind. Who controls information is now a central issue... Mr Bobbitt's larger point is that the terrorism of the age always closely reflects the existing constitutional arrangements."
Cam McGrath/IPS. CAIRO, Jan 9 2014 (IPS) - A draft constitution set to go before a public referendum next week gives the military more privileges, enshrining its place as Egypt’s most powerful institution and placing it above the state. The new text, set to replace the constitution drawn up in 2012 under Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, has stoked fears that Egypt’s military leadership is pushing to consolidate its power and protect its political and economic interests. “The powers conferred to the army (in the draft constitution) lay the foundation for a military dictatorship,” warns Tharwat Badawi, professor of constitutional law at Cairo University. “The powers conferred to the army lay the foundation for a military dictatorship." The new charter was drawn up by a 50-member committee appointed by the military-installed government that has ruled since the army ousted Morsi in July 2013.
A Republican (?) video just before the recall elections i Wisconsin 2012. Blurb: "The Reclaim Wisconsin rally was filled with everything you need to know about the "Democracy" movement in Wisconsin. Here it is EXPOSED as a vulgar, childish, bullying mob!! Share the truth about Democracy in Wisconsin with friends - especially those in Wisconsin! Stand with Scott Walker on June 5th to prevent this mob rule from overcoming the rule of law in our beautiful Republic! God Bless the USA!!"
You Can't Opt Out 10 NSA Myths Debunked 1) NSA surveillance is legal. 2) If I’ve done nothing wrong, I have nothing to hide. So why should I care about any of this? 3) But the media says the NSA only collects my "phone metadata," so I'm safe. 5) But I trust Obama (Bush, the next president) on this. 6) But don't private companies like Facebook already have access to and share a lot of my personal data? So what's wrong with the government having it, too? 7) All this surveillance is distasteful and maybe even illegal, but isn’t it necessary to keep us safe? Isn’t it for our own good? Haven’t times changed and shouldn’t we acknowledge that? 8) Terrorists are everywhere and dangerous. 9) We've stayed safe. Doesn't that just prove all the government efforts have worked? 10) But doesn’t protecting America come first -- before anything?
In a secular society, our virtues are slowly transforming, away from Christian cardinal virtues towards a sort of ecologically correct, self-empowerment value system. The Risk-Monger has already made his critique on the limits of the virtue of sustainability. Transparency is another contemporary social value that is highly deficient, albeit masked with much celebration. But is transparency even a virtue? Transparency is a tool, we are told, that is essential for trust-building. Well, actually, no! Transparency is a tool used when we don’t trust someone or some organisation. If my wife asks me where I have been all night and I don’t answer her, there will be trust issues. But if my wife trusts me, she would have little reason to ask me where I have been.
Jeremy Brecher , Dec 2013 "Based on the Justinian Code’s protection of res communes, governments around the world have long served as trustees for rights held in common by the people...
"One is tempted to say of Gaddafi, ‘L’état, c’était lui.’ But it was the more and more mystical idea of the Revolution, not heredity and divine right, that legitimated his power. And the intangible content of this Revolution, what Ruth First called its elusiveness, was closely connected to the fact that the Revolution was never over."
By Lucy Madison / CBS News/ June 12, 2013 Snowden appeals to the libertarian right - he voted for Ron Paul. ""It's a shame that we are in an age where people who tell the truth about what the government is doing gets into trouble," he said. Ron Paul: "What about the people who destroy our Constitution?... What do we think about people who assassinate American citizens without trials and assume that that's the law of the land? That's where our problem is. Our problem isn't with people who are trying to tell us the truth about what's happening."
There is a strong demand to regain national and monetary sovereignty (opposition the EU is the common trait of all mobilizations) as well as an affirmative reference to the constitution. People reproach to the government and the presidency to betray the constitution. The government – which in difference to the Left – understood that the revolt of December 9 is to become a serious challenge. By means of the servile media they preventively have been slandering the movement as being controlled by the extreme Right.
"IMIR är ett privat miljörättsligt institut. Formellt är det en bifirma till Åmyra förlag AB. Inom ramen för IMIR utförs forskning och utbildning och vissa slags miljöjuridiska uppdrag, företrädesvis för myndigheters, organisationers och vissa internationella organs räkning. Forskningen och utbildningen sker främst på uppdragsbasis. men viss egen forskning görs också. IMIR stöder i viss utsträckning forskning vid Uppsala universitet, främst i sådana hänseenden där universitetets resurser och funktioner är otillräckliga. Vidare publicerar IMIR Miljörättslig tidskrift samt även viss annan litteratur."
One common method for Policy Laundering is the use of international treaties which are formulated in secrecy. Afterwards it is not possible to find out who opted for which part of the treaty. Each Person can claim that it was not them who demanded a certa