Sonja Mäkelä, Hbl 23.5. "I mitten av maj sköt polisen en 68-årig man till döds i hans lägenhet i Husby, enligt många startskottet till våldet. Brodern till mannens finska hustru kritiserar polisen."
Cross-posted with; Huffington Post 20.12.13: "...the article by Andy Soltis accompanying the [Murdoch owned New York] Post headline last week began quite inaccurately. “A U.S. drone strike targeting al-Qaeda militants in Yemen,” went the first line, “took out an unlikely target on Thursday -- a wedding party heading to the festivities.” Soltis can, however, be forgiven his ignorance. In this country, no one bothers to count up wedding parties wiped out by U.S. air power. If they did, Soltis would have known that the accurate line, given the history of U.S. war-making since December 2001 when the first party of Afghan wedding revelers was wiped out (only two women surviving), would have been: “A U.S. drone... took out a likely target.”
Kit Klarenberg Jun 18 /22
British Home Secretary Priti Patel has signed off on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the US. His legal team now has just 14 days to appeal the decision, which journalist Peter Hitchens rightly branded “a total and unmitigated disgrace” shaming Britain. If unsuccessful, he faces up to 175 years in a supermax prison.
in a syllabus from June 2017, The Supreme Court of the USA underlines the importance of the internet in relation to the first amendment to the US constitution. The internet's forums are decribed as "what for many are the principal sources for knowing current events, checking ads for employment, speaking and listening in the modern public square, and otherwise exploring the vast realms of human thought and knowledge."
I samarbeid med Svenska Dagbladet har Aftenposten så langt hatt tilgang til om lag 2000 dokumenter, som til nå har vært bakgrunn for de sakene Aftenposten har publisert. Ole Erik Almlid, nyhetsredaktør i Aftenposten, sier det har vært jobbet lenge for å f
"Pakistan sörjer minst 300 personer som sägs ha omkommit på Medelhavet förra veckan. Det är fortsatt svårt att säga exakt hur många som drunknade när en överfylld migrantbåt sjönk utanför Grekland."
Se även : i moltiplicano le testimonianze e i video che confermerebbero l'ipotesi di un colpevole ritardo degli interventi della Guardia costiera greca durante l'affondamento del barcone con a bordo circa 750 migranti al largo delle coste del Peloponneso lo scorso 13 giugno.
"Tämän vuoden aikana noin 72 000 pakolaista ja siirtolaista on YK:n tilaston mukaan tullut Välimeren maihin Italiaan, Espanjaan, Kreikkaan, Maltalle ja Kyprokselle." (HS 14.6.: "Kymmeniä siirtolaisia hukkui matkalla Libyasta Italiaan Kreikka on julistanut kolmen päivän suruajan onnettomuuden vuoksi."
French television journalist Edouard Perrin has been investigating tax issues for more than three years, and broadcast his first program on the Luxembourg Leaks documents in 2012. Here he reflects on being the first journalist to work on the files, and how the story has grown in collaboration with ICIJ and its media partners.
"At times when public money is so scarce, I think public interest in these issues is very high."
En artikel med flera poänger. Av Svante Nycander. "Olof Lagercrantz ifrågasatte inte västvärldens liberala grundprinciper, men resultatet av dessa principer i tillämpning fick honom att förtvivla om mänsklighetens framtid. Vår värld behärskas av ett syste
Verkligheten snurrar och vänder fort. När jag vid lunchtid i fredags lämnade en krönika om sajtens Wikileaks och dess grundare Julian Assanges roll i medieutvecklingen (som publicerades i lördagens DN kultur) var han alltjämt symbolen för sajtens globala