"Remove Corruption Not Subsidies" "469 NASS members gulp N1.12 trillion and its ok....But 160million citizens gulp N1.3trillion and it becomes an issue. #OCCUPYNIGERIA."
Drone Warfare Killing by Remote Control, by Medea Benjamin Foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich "In this remarkably cogent and carefully researched book, Medea Benjamin makes it clear that drones are not just another high-tech military trinket. Drone Warfare sketches out the nightmare possibilities posed by this insane proliferation." -Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed "...Benjamin's Drone Warfare is the first book that reveals the vocal international citizen opposition that challenges the legality and morality of America's extrajudicial execution drones before they kill here at home." -Ann Wright, U.S. Army colonel (ret.) and former deputy chief of mission for U.S. embassies in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and elsewhere
Blockupy Der Sprecher des Friedensratschlags, Peter Strutynski, fühlt sich durch »die blindwütige Verbotspolitik der Stadt Frankfurt« »in fataler Weise an Zustände in der Ukraine oder Belarus« erinnert, die hierzulande ansonsten immer so gern lauthals kritisiert werden«. Das zeige, »wer in unserem Land wirklich das Sagen hat: Gegen die Regierung zu demonstrieren, ist noch erlaubt, wenn es aber gegen die Banken geht, hört jeder Spaß auf.«
What Would a Green Industrial Strategy Look Like? Robert Pollin: Shifting spending from the military-industrial complex to a green economy would create more jobs and build a sustainable industrial base
Ett av de drabbade biblioteken, det i Friern Barnet i Norra London, togs för ett tag sedan över av medlemmar av Occupy-rörelsen som återöppnade det och driver det vidare. Detta har felaktigt i medierna kallats för en ”delseger” för biblioteksrörelsen. Snarare handlar det om ett bakslag. För hur behjärtansvärt det än är med volontärer som tar över och hur bra det än kan bli så förstärker det hos ansvariga politiker bara känslan av att bibliotek inte behöver vara professionellt drivna. Ett biblioteksväsende där den professionella vinkeln urholkas skapar bilden av att det är själva bokrummet som är det viktiga, snarare än det arbete som biblioteket faktiskt ska utföra. Ett bokrum kan vara nog så viktigt, men ett bibliotek är ju så mycket mer. Inte minst i dessa dagar, när dessutom idén om det fysiska bokrummet utmanas i och med e-böckernas intåg på marknaden.
Supporters of Friern Barnet People's Library in Barnet, North London, are to return to court at 09:30 on Monday 17 December as Barnet council seeks possession of the building and the surrounding green land. [1] "Join us in Barnet and show Barnet council that libraries and communities matter more than profits for big business."[...]
Philip Dorling, in National Times (Aus), October 29, 2010: "Most accounts of the Occupy movement focus on the Canadian-based Adbusters Media Foundation's proposal in July for a peaceful occupation of Wall Street to protest against corporate influence on democracy. Activists from the Anonymous hacktivist collective also encouraged followers to take part in the protest, calling on protesters to ''flood lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street''. However, investigations of the pattern of internet activism over the past year indicate the origins of the Occupy movement are to be found earlier, in the wave of activity generated by WikiLeaks last year as it released US Army helicopter gunship footage from the war in Iraq, US military war logs from Afghanistan and Iraq and more than 250,000 classified US State Department cables."
by Andrew Hussey The Observer, Sunday 13 April 2014 Century. 'I am not political.' Photograph: Ed Alcock for the Observer French economist Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century
rt 31.5.The entrance of the ECB is blocked by over 3,000 'Blockupy' protesters in a march against austerity. 'Blockupy' has announced the coalition has “reached its first goal” of the day. Anti-capitalist protesters have taken to the streets of the financial heart of Frankfurt a day ahead of Europe-wide gatherings planned for June 1 to protest leaders handling of the three-year euro debt crisis.
They want capitalism without democracy, we want democracy without capitalism Statement of the Blockupy coordinating committee, 5.6.2013 Blockupy 2013 – we experienced intense and powerful days of collective action and common resistance. On Friday, more than 3000 activists blockaded the entrance to the European Central Bank, making good on our announcement to carry our resistance deep into the heart of the European crisis regime.
The correct question is: “Now that a popular uprising has resulted in Morsi's downfall, will the Egyptian people, whether they are against or for the Muslim Brotherhood, manage to bring down the military regime?”
Adam Curtis The Observer, Sunday 29 May 2011 When, in the 1920s, a botanist and a field marshal dreamed up rival theories of nature and society, no one could have guessed their ideas would influence the worldview of 70s hippies and 21st-century protest movements. But their faith in self-regulating systems has a sinister history
On Sunday the 8th September, the Occupy movement will take action against the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) arms fair in East London, which is billed as “The world leading defence and security event”.