Lindelö Kansler Scholtz tvekar. Men vad hjälper det? (Vinjettbild i DN-ledare 12/9) Att vara oberoende liberal borde inte behöva innebära att man är helt bakom flötet. Jag kan endast finna två möjliga förklaringar till att DN:s ledarredaktion skriver som den gör, antingen använder de AI, eller så är de helt bakom flötet. Alla vet men... Alla…
Vi styrs för närvarande av ett gäng krigsfanatiska dårar.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Victoria Nuland played a significant role in the U.S. foreign policy, particularly concerning Russia, Ukraine, and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Nuland participated in negotiations between Russia and NATO in the '90s, as well as in talks between Russia and Ukraine in 2016 and 2022. She recently left the State Department, so now she can share a lot of new insights.
The Associated Press reports that many of the recruits drafted under Ukraine’s new conscription law lack the motivation and military indoctrination required to actually aim their weapons and fire at Russian soldiers. #WorldBEYONDWar
February 2, 1998 National Press Club nuclear abolition, deterrence
Retired General Lee Butler was the first U.S. commander of U.S. nuclear forces to ever call for their abolition. He talked about his place in the U.S. strategic planning for nuclear war and then described his abhorrence of using nuclear weapons and the effects of such use. He felt that the U.S. should use its powerful place in the world to set the example for abolishing nuclear weapons. After his prepared remarks he took questions from the audience.
By WARWICK POWELL | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-07-29
The ongoing chaos that seems to be the defining characteristic of US domestic politics sets the backdrop for the attempts of the United States to reassert its hegemony across the world through the global expansion of NATO. US political chaos reflects a political economy that is failing to meet the aspirations of the US people, let alone enable the US to recover its position as the unparalleled global military hegemon.
Der Düsseldorfer Ostermarsch wurde 2024 von der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft aus dem NRW-Ostermarschbündnis ausgeschlossen. Das Friedensforum Düsseldorf beteilige "Impfgegner", so der Vorwurf. Die korrupte Corona-Politik soll zwar "aufgearbeitet" werden, aber die Kritiker werden weiter diffamiert.
The Perace Formula of Pres. Zelensky contained in "Speech by the President of Ukraine at the General Debate of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly 22 September 2022":
"So, all five items of our formula:
punishment for aggression;
protection of life;
restoration of security and territorial integrity;
security guarantees;
and determination to defend oneself.
This is the formula of crime and punishment, which is already well known to Russia. And this is the formula of justice and law and order that Russia has yet to learn. As well as any other potential aggressors.
What is not in our formula? Neutrality."
Il 24 febbraio, decine e decine di manifestazioni, flash mob, presidi per la pace e perché finisca la guerra in Ucraina e a Gaza. Tutti gli appuntamenti
Minnesord [av Nils Petter Gleditsch] om Johan Galtung, en internasjonalt anerkjent forsker og grunnlegger av Institutt for fredsforskning (PRIO). Han var kjent for sitt bidrag til fredsforskning og internasjonal politikk.
Under det senaste året har stödet till studieförbunden och etniska organisationer kraftigt minskats eller dragits in, och i regeringens regleringsbrev till Folke Bernadotteakademin daterat den 22 december 2023 bekräftades alltså det som många fruktat sedan utlysningarna om stödet plötsligt satts på paus i juni – myndigheten ska inte längre fördela statliga medel till civilsamhället
Statligt stöd till fredsorganisationer i Sverige har funnits i nästan 100 år. Det var 1929 som det i en riksdagsmotion föreslogs att ett upplysningsanslag för freden skulle inrättas. Sedan dess har staten stöttat civilsamhället i dessa frågor i större eller mindre utsträckning. Sammantaget fördelades under 2023 drygt 20 miljoner i stöd till 18 organisationer. Den största andelen, 2,7 miljoner, gick till landets äldsta fredsorganisation, Svenska freds- och skiljedomsföreningen, en summa som utgjorde en fjärdedel av budgeten och motsvarar ungefär fyra tjänster. Då personal är det viktigaste man har försöker man nu skära så mycket det går i allt annat, som resor, berättar ordförande Kerstin Bergeå.
End the Insanity: For Nuclear Disarmament
and Global Demilitarization
Eileen Crist, Judith Lipton, David Barash
This article was originally published by
The Ecological Citizen, Vol 7, No 1, 2024
The group — calling itself Feds United for Peace — consists of dozens of government employees who will be observing a “Day of Mourning” [Tuesday 16.1.24] to mark 100 days of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. The organizers, who are choosing to remain anonymous, say they expect “easily hundreds” of others to join in their walkout after securing commitments from individuals at 22 federal agencies.