Tämän suosituksen tarkoitus on opastaa julkisen hallinnon organisaatioita avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen hankinnassa ja käyttöönotossa. Suositus keskittyy julkisen hallinnon toimijoihin ohjelmistojen hankkijana ja käyttäjänä
Methods and instructions to create a dual boot box with e.g. Win98 and PuppyLinux on the harddrive, even without CD, USB-stick or boot floppy. Internet connection is needed (to download PuppyLinux) if the machine does not have CD or USB.
"The Participatory Culture Foundation, a Massachusetts based 501(c)(3) non-profit, makes bottom-up economies and cultures possible by ensuring that our political, social and cultural systems are open and democratic everywhere. We work to eliminate gatekeepers and empower communities around the world."
"The textbooks are outdated, as far as I'm concerned, and there's no reason why our schools should have our students lug around these antiquated and heavy and expensive textbooks" -- Arnold Schwarzenegger 3 June 2009
This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License into Finnish. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation, and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that uses the GNU GPL - only the original English text o
"Synkronisera riksdagens och europaparlamentets beslutsprocesser." ... Erik Josefssons " lobbyarbete har gett enastående resultat. 2005 lyckades han och hans organisation FFII (Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure), rädda den "digitala allema
Publishers Weekly, By Andrew Richard Albanese | Jul 26, 2010 Includes a 9 min Youtube presentation byCalifornia entrepreneur Jared Friedman, chief technology officer of "social publisher" Scribd, plus an interview with the same.
Zero to book in 5 days. Seem impossible? Its not, its very possible, fun, and extremely rewarding. There are three important outcomes from Book Sprints: * Producing a book * Sharing knowledge * Team/community building
Nir Eyal 23.6.2012: “What people aren’t telling you,” Peter Thiel taught his class at Stanford, “can very often give you great insight as to where you should be directing your attention.” - "monetizable secrets" abt "user behavior", and network effects - "software continues to eat the world"
Another unintended victim of game-changing Iran attack By Phil Muncaster, 11th November 2013 The infamous Stuxnet malware thought to have been developed by the US and Israel to disrupt Iran’s nuclear facilities, also managed to cause chaos at a Russian nuclear plant, according to Eugene Kaspersky.
The revelation came during a Q&A session after a speech at Australia’s National Press Club last week, in which he argued that those spooks responsible for “offensive technologies” don’t realise the unintended consequences of releasing malware into the wild. Video adress: https://www.youtube.com/6tlUvb26DzI
There are so many hackers involved, even at this early stage, because FLOK (which stands for “Free/Libre Open Knowledge”) proposes a fundamental disruption of society. FLOK’s reason-to-be is to create a legal, economic and social framework for an entire country (Ecuador) that is consistent with principles that are the basic foundations of the Internet: peer-to-peer collaboration and shared knowledge FLOK Society is, at its core, a research project occurring within a university: Ecuador’s post-graduate-focused state school the IAEN.
Safiirilasi, kehittynyt akku ja huipputehoa. Siinäpä joitakin Canonicalin Ubuntu Edge -puhelimen ominaisuuksia. Mutta Linux-luuria ei tule, jos netin joukkorahoittajat eivät lähde mukaan. I t-viikko 23.7.2013 14:43
"Code is the technical backbone of the DPLA. Where possible, the DPLA will make use of existing free and open source code; all new code funded by the DPLA will be free and open source. In order to facilitate and maximize interoperability, the DPLA platform will support open standards. It will be freely accessible for others to fork, host, and replicate with no discrimination based on use or field of endeavor."
Boris Zetterlund: För att våra bibliotek skall hävda sig som en spelare bland många, krävs det enligt Boris Zetterlund, affärsområdeschef på Axiell, att de är offensiva och lyckas skapa interaktion mellan sig själva, allmänhet och studenter. ”Ett sätt att göra det kan vara genom att skapa bättre utrymme för egen produktion. I framtiden skulle biblioteken t ex kunna stötta ungdomars text- och musikproduktion, publicera och göra det sökbart. Men då vill det naturligtvis till att systemleverantörerna kan bistå med lösningen.”
Porter Olsen, forskare vid Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) på University of Maryland där han leder communityn för BitCurator-projektet. Hans avhandling med titeln Hacking the Empire: Reading the Digital in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Postcolonial Literature (avhandlar hacker-kultur i utvecklingsländer som den beskrevs i sen 1900-tals och tidig 2000-tals postkolonial fiktion) Porter undervisar i elektronisk litteratur och globalisering och har blivit uppmärksammad för sina bidrag till den ökande online-undervisningen på institutionen för engelska språket.
camille - February 7, 2014 "A theoretical question on my mind: has anyone ever tried putting a voluntary botnet at work to mine crypto-currencies for philanthropic fundraising purposes? "
"December 19, 2013 Great news! Thanks to the efforts of developers in France, CollectiveAccess has now been validated by the French Ministry of Culture for "Musées de France" inventory. "
Yle uutiset 20.1.14: Skog kertoo myös, että Kieku-järjestelmässä havaittujen puutteiden korjaaminen on vaatinut lisätyön tilaamista järjestelmää toimittavalta Logicalta. Pelkästään työvuorosuunnitteluun liittyvän ohjelmisto-osan korjailu on maksanut satojatuhansia euroja. Skog kuitenkin korostaa että lisätöiden hinta on varsin pieni, kun sitä verrataan hankkeen kokonaisbudjettiiin, noin 125 miljoonaan euroon.
Koha er i dag i bruk i over 1100 andre folkebibliotek på fem kontinenter. Det er også i bruk i en håndfull nasjonalbibliotek samt flere hundre fagbibliotek. Deichmanske bibliotek er Norges største folkebibliotek. Vi har – i tillegg til hovedbiblioteket – 17 avdelinger (filialer) spredt over hele Oslo, avdelinger i Oslo fengsel og Bredtveit fengsel, samt et pasientbibliotek på Rikshospitalet. Tre avdelinger er kombinasjonsbibliotek med læremidler på skoler.
bbc news, business 10.1.14 By Paul Rubens Technology reporter "Microsoft, for instance, says it will have "best-in-class industry cryptography" in place for services including Outlook.com, Office 365 and SkyDrive by the end of the year, while Yahoo has announced plans to encrypt all of its customers' data, including emails, by the end of the first quarter of 2014."
A Free, Libre, Open Knowledge society is about to be built in Ecuador. Hacker, researcher, educator, economist, lawyer, citizen, nettizen, join us now and free your knowledge!
Elias Aarnio: "FLOSS.fi:n idea on koota VALO-käyttäjiä erilaisiin viiteryhmiin, joilla on jokaisella oma fooruminsa." "FLOSS.fi on käynnistetty [Oct -13?] Euroopan sosiaalirahaston rahoittaman Avoimuudesta Voimaa Oppimisverkostoihin eli AVO2-hankkeen toimintana."
Barbara Fister, in Library Journal 19 April, 2012: "Libraries, like other public goods, are fundamentally different than businesses and the last thing we want to do is treat our community as customers." "The principles of open source software and open access publishing are better aligned to library values than Amazon and Google are. There’s really no competition."
HTML 5 is part of the future of the Web. Its new elements enable clearer, simpler markup that makes pages more obvious. Div and span still have their places, but those places are much more restricted than they used to be. Many pages will no longer need to use them.
Bundesbildungsministerin Annette Schavan muss sich gegen neue Plagiatsvorwürfe bei ihrer Doktorarbeit verteidigen. Der Gründer der Internet-Plattform VroniPlag, Martin Heidingsfelder, wirft der CDU-Politikerin vor, an deutlich mehr Stellen abgeschrieben zu haben als bislang bekannt. „Auf über 33 Prozent der Seiten finden sich Plagiate bei Frau Schavan“, sagte der Erlanger Plagiatsexperte der „Augsburger Allgemeinen“ (Mittwochausgabe) nach einer Überprüfung der 32 Jahre alten Doktorarbeit.
Ett exempel från Vroniplag. Exemplet handlar om avhandlingen "Harmonisierung des europäischen Rüstungsmarktes im Spannungsfeld zwischen Art. 296 EGV und Art. 17 EUV"
By WiseWoman/Debora Weber-Wulff and Graf Isolan, 2 July 2012 "Over the past year and a half, the German academic community has been rocked by continual plagiarism scandals. Two wiki-based groups have been instrumental in uncovering "text parallels" in doctoral theses by jurists, scientists, industry managers, and politicians. The latest plagiarism to have been exposed was a textbook warning about taking material from the German Wikipedia – while itself plagiarizing Wikipedia in at least 18 places."
"Though a fervent supporter of his former employer to this day, Wozniak told attendees of an event in Sydney that Apple could still open the architecture on its growing range of phones, computers and tablets to the masses for the greater good"
in a Swedish book about libraries I found this reference to Vinton Cerf's lecture "The Future of Information and Communication Technology" However, the lecture is presented in a commercial format, which is not accessible with the web browser I use. I wish the new library of Alexandria would offer this lecture, and all web content, also in formats which are compatible and readable with open standards and free software.
"Digitaaliset palvelutuotteet perustuvat yhä useammin avoimista ja suljetuista lähteistä yhdisteltyyn ja jalostettuun informaatioon..." "Kaksipuolisilla markkinoilla palvelu tarjotaan tyypillisesti ilmaiseksi toiselle puolelle markkinoita, eli vaalidata-esimerkissä kuluttajille ja ReittiGPS:ssä liikenneyhtiöille, ja toinen puoli maksaa (tavalla tai toiselle) alustan tarjoajalle."
April 3, 2012 - 9:33pm By Joshua Kim Have you noticed that books are looking more and more like apps? Do you find yourself buying books from the Kindle Single store? Browsing the nonfiction selections at nowandthenreader.com? Checking out the original stories at atavist.net? Getting excited about the newest release from the TED Books?
"Toimitusjohtaja Tatu Ylönen yrittää vetää tietoturvayhtiö Tectian pörssistä ja palata yrittäjäksi. Hän tahtoo luoda uutta ilman pörssin tiukkoja sääntöjä. Ylönen haluaa käyttää kykyjään esimerkiksi puolustusvälineisiin, joilla voitaisiin torjua kyberhyökkäys. Hänestä kynnys iskeä tietoverkkoihin on selvästi alempi kuin kynnys pudottaa pommeja."
Netflix has consistently shown reluctance to support customers using Linux and other open-source operating systems.[162] The company continues to support only Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX, relying on Microsoft Silverlight technology. On August 9, 2011, Netflix released a Google Chrome web store item for Chrome OS, PC and MAC, but it does not enable Netflix streaming on Linux machines. On Linux Machines running Chrome Browser, the extension sends users to Netflix.com
Cinnamon 1.4 is available for Linux distributions including not just Mint 12 but also Ubuntu 11.10, Fedora 16, OpenSUSE 12.1, Arch Linux, Gentoo, and Frugalware.
Yāna provides a free, open-source template that open access journals can use as the basis of their own multi-platform mobile applications. The Yāna template provides the basic functionality required by any journal operating on a mobile platform.
I understand that FlexBooks are free, or open source. Is the software that supports the FlexBooks open source, too? Our mission is to provide all our materials for free under the Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC-SA) License. For more information on the CC-BY-NC-SA license, see the selection of this FAQ about the content of FlexBooks, or visit the following URL, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/. Our CK-12 system for FlexBooks is not yet geared to be a separate open source project.
"We are a community of people crazy enough to build our own book scanners. We also write Free software for book scanning. We are the missing link between your bookshelf and your e-reader. Join us! Get involved by trying a simple scanner, or push the limits of scanning technology."
computer sweden 21.11. 201: Massimo Marchiori som är professor vid det italienska universitet Padua University har nu börjat presentera knapphändig information om den nya söktjänsten som går under namnet Volunia.