Martin Gelin, Biblioteksbladet 6.3. Över hela USA sker nu aggressiva påtryckningar för att stoppa litteratur och undervisning som inte främjar det som den kristna högern kallar patriotisk undervisning.
I USA kastas litteratur ut från bibliotek, skolor och universitet. Biblioteksbladet har besökt Florida där bokförbuden har gett den konservativa guvernören Ron DeSantis framgång i den politiska karriären.
Lokalpolitiker och högeraktivister har de senaste åren stoppat skolor och bibliotek från att tillhandahålla tusentals böcker, allt från klassiska romaner till populär samtida queerlitteratur som André Acimans Call Me By Your Name.
Collection Creator Biography:
Franklin book programs
Franklin Publications was officially incorporated in the state of New York on June 5, 1952 as a nonprofit membership corporation for publication and translation of American books to native languages for distribution abroad. A group of American publishers, librarians and educators who were concerned with the state of education in developing countries founded the organization and named it after America's first book publisher, Benjamin Franklin. This group hoped that by facilitating and encouraging the publication and reading of American books in translation, international ties would be strengthened. Franklin's official purpose as stated in its certificate of incorporation was to.....
"The 1960s were a tumultuous time for Franklin. It continued to grow, expanding its programs to Africa and South America, but soon found itself in serious financial jeopardy. It began to redirect its activities from direct operational projects toward educational development. Specifically, it began to focus more on developing libraries and literacy campaigns, producing encyclopedias and dictionaries, developing textbooks, conducting training seminars in book publishing and writers' workshops, and technical assistance in printing, publishing and book selling. This redefinition also extended to a name change. Franklin Publications became Franklin Book Programs in 1964. The board felt the name Franklin Publications sounded too commercial and gave the impression it was a competitor to publishers. The organization's original name also failed to show its emphasis on books and that it was an international program."
New York is now the second state to pass a bill that would ensure public libraries the right to license and lend e-books that are available to consumers in the state. The bill is now headed to governor Andrew Cuomo's desk.
The latest strategy for addressing the serials crisis that has fueled the crisis in scholarly publishing across the disciplines is the establishment of transformative open access agreements.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, March 15, 2013, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) will posthumously award activist Aaron Swartz the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2013 James Madison Award during the 15th Annual Freedom of Information Day in Washington, D.C. Swartz will receive the award for his dedication to promoting and protecting public access to research and government
Dec 6, 2020 Chattanooga Local activist and musician Cameron 'C-Grimey' Williams is under investigation for allegedly burning Chattanooga Public Library books by conservative authors.
The Social Responsibilities Round Tables (SRRT) is a unit within the American Library Association. It works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes
The Course Catalog contains a description of specific polices, programs, degree requirements, and course offerings for Undergraduate and Graduate students at the University of South Florida. "The curriculum focuses primarily on developing analytic competencies, and subsequently allows students to focus on specialized subject-matter areas. The principal aim is to train problem-solvers who understand strategic concepts and analytic methodologies and can apply that knowledge to advance an organization’s interests and objectives. "
Chinese Library Annual Conference, Langfang, 5/30/18 to 6/2/18 The Chinese Library Conference: the Annual Conference of the Library Society of China...
Kirjastoilla on paljon pohdittavaa tulevaisuuden suhteen. Monissa Euroopan, Aasian ja Lähi-idän maissa rakennetaan edelleen valtavia kirjastomonumentteja… Business Insider raportoi. Kuvat Georgia Tech Library.
"In the original version of the 2017 photograph, taken by Getty Images photographer Mario Tama, the street is packed with marchers carrying a variety of signs, with the Capitol in the background. In the Archives version, at least four of those signs are altered."
No one from the White House had to threaten the Archives into obscuring anti-Trump signs, because officials apparently internalized the political hazards.
Roosevelts "New Deal", Kennedys "New Frontier", LBJs "Great Society", Obamas ? Månlandningen 1969. Änkan, Lady Bird Johnson, har avlidit. (McNamara deceived LBJ on Vietnam - berättar Gareth Porter på TRNN, baserande sig på bandupptagningar från bibliotek