Eric Toussaint mfl i en analys av EU-utvecklingen några dar före EU-valen 9.6.24 "The European Eurocracy is planning to give the extreme right a specific role in European government, thereby burying all of the taboos and precautions that Western democracies have taken against these political movements since the end of WWII".
Apropå "the Eurocracy". Jag misstänker att Spinelli är upphovsman till begreppet, liksom det egentligen var han som namngav den europeiska unionen. Se Spinellis bok "The Eurocrats" från 1966 och Spinelligruppens utkast till fördrag om Europeiska unionen, som antogs av europaparlamentet år 1984.
Toussaint m fl skriver:
"The most powerful EU leaders not only approve the Zionist state’s policy of war crimes against the civilian population of Gaza, citing a non-existent ‘right to defence’ on the part of an occupying power. They also repress and attempt to ban any internal voices that oppose unconditional EU support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and genocide of Gazans. The McCarthyite drift has a true goal: not simply to eliminate solidarity with the Palestinian cause, but to discipline the European population around the geostrategic interests of its elites, namely the remilitarization of Europe around the war in Ukraine and unconditional support for Israel".
Ovanstående är lätt att hålla med om. Däremot vill åtminstone inte jag förena mig i de tre skribenternas -- en fransmans, en spanjors och en irländares -- överdrivet antieuropeiska utgjutelse i följande stycke:
"Perhaps the only positive outcome of all of this is that we can finally consign to the dust bin, all of the so-called ‘European values’ and ‘founding myths of peace’ that the EU liberal propaganda machine continues to hammer away at".
Vad de "europeiska värdena" beträffar ska vi nog akta oss att slänga bort rubbet. Idag är det visserligen uppenbart att EU, trots Spinellis och hans kollegors ansträngningar, aldrig blev ett fredsprojekt men det är svårt att se hur vi människor någonsin ska få till världsfred om vi inte lyckas få Europa att slå in på fredens väg.
Den ryske krigsmotståndaren Boris Kagarlitskij har dömts till fem år i fängelse. Men hans tankar har fått eget liv. Klimatrörelsen bör lyssna på hans idéer om hur klimatomställningen kan bidra till att undvika ett nytt kallt krig, skriver Tord Björk.
Article by Roberto Savio in WSI Magazine 26 Jan 2022. "The International Renewal Group denounces the WSF's irrelevance due to being unable to adapt to changes"
WSF Link collection -- Global Policy Forum is a policy watchdog that follows the work of the United Nations. We promote accountability and citizen participation in decisions on peace and security, social justice and international law.
"The UN is being turned into a public-private partnership": An interview with Harris Gleckman
Lynn Fries speaks to Harris Gleckman about the growing corporate influence over our global governance system.
COATI – the Collective for Autonomy in Interpreting Technology- was formed in Barcelona in 2009, bringing together people who had participated in anti-capitalist and anti-globalisation movements. We had supported the peasant farmers of Via Campesina in the creation of the movement for Food Sovereignty, and had volunteered as interpreters (sometimes in very precarious conditions) and seen the value of good alternative technology; we had learnt to organise horizontally and by consensus in the Do-It-Yourself culture of anarchist and anti-capitalist social centres all over Europe; we had built an understanding of technology in the squatted hacklabs and free software communities; we learnt about sound systems running hardcore punk festivals, street parties and independent, community-based radio stations; and it was those experiences, and the values of those communities, that inspired the project.
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 09, 2016
Author’s Introduction: " This article was first published in 2013 focussing on the May 2013 Tunis World Social Forum.
This year the World Social Forum is being held in Montreal, regrouping committed social activists, anti-war collectives and prominent intellectuals.
Most of the participants are unaware that the WSF is funded by corporate foundations including Ford, Rockefeller, et al. Much of this funding is channelled to the WSF organizers under the helm of the WSF International Council. ...[...]"
The Edge Funders Alliance