MatlabBGL is a Matlab package for working with graphs. It uses the Boost Graph Library to efficiently implement the graph algorithms. MatlabBGL is designed to work with large sparse graphs with hundreds of thousands of nodes.
BioScholar is a Knowledge Engineering and Management system to support a single scientific worker (at the level of a graduate student or postdoctoral worker) to design, construct and manage a shared knowledge repository for a research group by curating and processing knowledge from the scientific literature.
W. Xi, E. Fox, W. Fan, B. Zhang, Z. Chen, J. Yan, and D. Zhuang. SIGIR '05: Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, page 130--137. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2005)
K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, S. Hansgen, and G. Taentzer. International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, page 134--143. Long Beach, CA, ACM Press, (November 2005)