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    DeFi, short for decentralized finance, represents a shift in the financial sector by leveraging blockchain technology, primarily Ethereum, to eliminate traditional financial intermediaries. It enables various financial applications, from simple transactions to complex contracts, through smart contracts that execute automatically under specific conditions. Here are some latest DeFi news you may be interested in: Latest DeFi news from Financial Sector: 1. Decentralized finance is coming to Bitcoin with Bitcoin Layers – the meta-protocols, sidechains, layer 2’s and other technologies currently being built on the Bitcoin blockchain. These layers will enable faster payments, as well as lending, enhanced functionality of fungible and non-fungible tokens, decentralized exchanges, GameFi, SocialFi and many other use cases. Holders of bitcoin will soon be able to increase the productivity of their asset via a protocol-based decentralized financial system. The primary differentiator between DeFi on Bitcoin and DeFi on other chains is the underlying asset (native token). Whereas Ethereum, Solana and next-gen blockchains compete on the merits of their respective technologies, DeFi on Bitcoin is purely focused on increasing the productivity of bitcoin, placing the Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem in a league of its own. 2. DeFi adaptability is front and center with the Arbitrum launch – This new deployment uses Angle Protocol’s staked USDA (stUSD) as collateral for bitcoin trading, meaning traders earn a yield on deposited capital. Other derivatives DEXs like Aevo have offered this before but D8X’s is more generalized. Latest DeFi news from the banking sector: 1. German banking giant Deutsche Bank AG views blockchain technology as a means to mitigate margin compression. According to Anand Rengarajan, the bank’s Asia-Pacific and Middle East head of securities services and global head of sales, by using blockchain and smart contract-based solutions, the German banking giant can reduce costs, transaction times, and overall risk. 2. Anchorage Digital Bank became the first federally chartered bank for digital assets. The bank seeks to give institutions easy and efficient access to crypto custody, trading, financing, staking, and governance services. Block Matra is your go-to platform that makes an efficient process by providing comprehensive information about latest developments happening in the industry. We collect latest DeFi news from reliable sources and then present to users in a precise and detailed manner.
    18 days ago by @nicolasmeyer
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