Simple site where you are given 1 gb of space to share many things like a simple quote, a picture, or a video. You can keep some things to yourself, share with a small group, or share it with everyone.
a free MicroContent WikiWikiWeb created by JeremyRuston and a busy Community of independent developers. It's written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on any modern browser without needing any ServerSide logic.
free music-recognition robot/service. It allows you to identify unknown piece of music (pieces of 15-45 seconds audio), in almost any file format and with any bit-rate. Uncompressed, ADPCM and other waves (.WAV), MPEG-1 Layer III (.MP3), Ogg Vorbis (.OGG), FLAC, Flash Video (.FLV), .AMR, .MP4, and more. Only modern popular music, old jazz and classics as also some Russian music.