TinyMCE - Javascript WYSIWYG Editor
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.
jemdoc is a light text-based markup language designed for creating websites. It takes a text file written with jemdoc markup, an optional configuration file and an optional menu file, and makes static websites that look something like this one, that one or another one.
jemdoc was inspired by AsciiDoc, which is a text document format. AsciiDoc is great, and lots of the ideas from AsciiDoc are copied in jemdoc. The main differences are that jemdoc is simpler (you could say deliberately feature poor) and has more consistent syntax.
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