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    Publishing humanities monographs in Open Access OAPEN is a project in Open Access publishing for humanities and social sciences monographs. The consortium of University-based academic publishers who make up OAPEN believe that the time is ripe to bring the successes of scientific Open Access publishing to the humanities and social sciences. The OAPEN partners are all active in the Open Access movement already, with details available on their pages on this site and on their own websites. The project will find useful, exciting and beneficial ways of publishing scholarly work in Open Access, enhancing access to important peer reviewed research from across Europe. Most importantly it will find a financial model which is appropriate to scholarly humanities monographs, a publishing platform which is beneficial to all users and create a network of publishing partners across Europe and the rest of the world. The partners: Amsterdam University Press Georg-August Universität Göttingen Museum Tusculanum Press Manchester University Press Presses Universitaires de Lyon Firenze University Press University of Amsterdam Leiden University
    16 years ago by @pitman
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