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    Your BibTeX resource Here you will find everything you need to know about BibTeX The word ,,BibTeX'' stands for a tool and a file format which are used to describe and process lists of references, mostly in conjunction with LaTeX documents. Here you can learn about the BibTeX File Format, How to use BibTeX and BibTeX Tools which can help you to ease your BibTeX usage. NEW: Be sure to try the Bib2x Online Converter which allows you to convert your BibTeX bibliographies into a few target formats. It is meant to serve as a demonstration of Bib2x, a tool that allows arbitrary conversion of BibTeX bibliographies using templates.
    16 years ago by @pitman

    The security, trust, information quality and privacy issues arising from the vision of the Semantic Web as a global information integration infrastructure are mainly unsolved. This resource guide collects papers, ontologies, schemata and standards that might be building blocks for the future Semantic Web trust layer.
    16 years ago by @pitman

    VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed for libraries by libraries. The goal of VuFind is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your library's resources by replacing the traditional OPAC to include: * Catalog Records * Locally Cached Journals * Digital Library Items * Institutional Repository * Institutional Bibliography * Other Library Collections and Resources VuFind is completely modular so you can implement just the basic system, or all of the components. And since it's open source, you can modify the modules to best fit your need or you can add new modules to extend your resource offerings.
    16 years ago by @pitman

    Open Source Discovery Portal Camp Join the development teams from VuFind and Blacklight at PALINET, November 6, 2008, for day of discussion and sharing. We hope to examine difficult issues in developing discovery systems, such as: * ILS Connectivity * Authority Control * Data Importing * User Interface Issues * Federated Search * Virtual shelf list * De-dupping * Usage Recording and Reporting Implementing or hacking an Open Source discovery system such as VuFind or Blacklight? Interested in learning more about Lucene/Solr applications? Join the development teams from VuFind and Blacklight at PALINET, November 6, 2008, for day of discussion and sharing. We hope to examine difficult issues in developing discovery systems, such as: * ILS Connectivity * Authority Control * Data Importing * User Interface Issues * Federated Search * Virtual shelf list * De-dupping * Usage Recording and Reporting
    16 years ago by @pitman

    DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V., has been founded on April 14, 1989 in Heidelberg, Germany. The principal aim of the association is to encourage advice and cooperation among German language TeX users. This includes consulting via WWW, electronic mail and usual letter mail concerning purchase, implementation and user problems of TeX, distribution of software for members and information about all what's going on in the TeX world. But this is not the only intention. The user group examines proposals of members for new TeX software, if there are some. Besides all this, DANTE e.V. cooperates with other related national and international TeX groups.
    16 years ago by @pitman
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