X. Zhou, S. Li, K. Qin, K. Li, F. Tang, S. Hu, S. Liu, и Z. Lin. (2016)cite arxiv:1604.06154v1.pdfComment: 10 pages, extended and submitted to IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
L. Crawford, K. Wood, X. Zhou, и S. Mukherjee. (2015)cite arxiv:1508.01217v2.pdfComment: 32 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables; Supplementary Information upon request; theory added; new applications presented; references added.
A. Saibaba. (2015)cite arxiv:1511.05208v2.pdfComment: 28 pages, 9 figures, minor revisions. Lemma 3.2 has been removed and result of Theorem 3.3 (new version) is significantly better.
Y. Yang, и M. Pesavento. (2015)cite arxiv:1506.04972v2.pdfComment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; original title: A Novel Iterative Convex Approximation Method.