In this series of case studies, we highlight what providers have done to take a flexible approach to staffing.
The case studies show different ways of organising services. They focus on the quality of care, patient safety, and efficiency, rather than just numbers and ratios of staff.
They illustrate how providers have redesigned services to make the best use of the available range of skills and disciplines. Or they found new ways to work with others in the local health and care system.
Safe staffing and coercive practices are of pressing concern for mental health services. These are inter‐dependent and the relationship is under‐researched.. To read the full article, log in using your NHS Athens details. To access full-text: click “Log in/Register” (top right hand side). Click ‘Institutional Login’ then select 'OpenAthens Federation', then ‘NHS England’. Enter your Athens details to view the article.
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Musculoskeletal ; Osteoporosis ; Nutrition and obesity ; Falls ; HR ; Research Methods ; Information Governance ; Bladder, bowel and pelvic healthcare ; Rheumatology ; Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency (circulated email)
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Previous research into improving patient safety has emphasised the importance of responding to and learning from concerns raised by service users and carers. Expertise gained by the experiences of service users and their carers has also been seen as a potential resource to improve patient safety. We know little about the ease of raising concerns within mental health services, and the potential benefits of involving service users and carers in safety interventions. This study aimed to explore service user and carer perceptions of raising safety concerns, and service user, carer and health professional views on the potential for service user and carer involvement in safety interventions.
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The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) has released an interim bulletin relating to the full investigation into the transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS).
Open access. To examine whether a new no-smoking policy in an in-patient mental health setting had any effects outside of smoking cessation. Our hypothesis stated that a forced smoking ban for in-patients may result in an increased susceptibility for clinical incidents, aggression and lower admission rates. All patients admitted to adult in-patient mental health services in Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust were included in the analysis.
Open access. Quality and safety in healthcare, as an academic discipline, has made significant progress over recent decades, and there is now an active and established community of researchers and practitioners. However, work has predominantly focused on physical health, despite broader controversy regarding the attention paid to, and significance attributed to, mental health. Work from both communities is required in order to ensure that quality and safety is actively embedded within mental health research and practice and that the academic discipline of quality and safety accurately represents the scientific knowledge that has been accumulated within the mental health community.
[Mersey Care] Trust joined a group of UK and USA healthcare organisations taking part in a unique programme with researchers from The Risk Authority Stanford to reduce clinical risk in selected areas.
A mixture of technology and talking, it uses leading edge software (to analyse data and identify the risks) and a new approach known as Design Thinking – gaining an understanding of the issue by talking at the design stage to people who may use the service.
The approach is then tailored to what the software and patients tell.
The plan is to monitor impact over six to twelve months, compare and contrast and roll out the most effective interventions.
Olivia Maynard reports on a new study that explores the effect of implementing a smoke-free policy on physical violence in a psychiatric inpatient setting.
We’ve just heard that SSOTP will not be renewing their agreement with SSSFT LKS for library services for this financial year. Because of this we will be reviewing our Be Aware bulletins. Sadly we won’t be accepting any new sign-ups from SSOTP staff and will be withdrawing some of the physical healthcare bulletins that we…