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    GERG, the European Gas Research Group GERG policy is focused on the support of the European gas industry, which is achieved by research and technological innovation in all aspects of the gas chain; from production and processing, through transmission, storage and distribution, to utilisation of natural gas. Main Aims The main aims of the GERG policy for collaborative research, in phase with European policy, are to: improve the gas supply situation by ensuring the security of gas supply in Europe strengthen the safe transport,distribution and use of natural gas contribute to sustainable development by developing technology and systems that will: - reduce energy intensity - reduce emissions of CO2, CH4, NOX, SO2, CO and particulates - enable new gas applications in areas such as distributed generation - enable integration with renewable energy systems reduce costs contribute to regulation, especially concerning environment, safety and efficiency maintain strong links with related industries and with relevant research groups support and improve the image of the gas industry.
    13 years ago by @thorade
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