bookmarks  25


    Die FuE-Themen der Sektion sind auf Methoden der Erkundung und Nutzung tiefer Lagerstätten im Zusammenhang mit einer nachhaltigen, umweltfreundlichen Energieversorgung als Zukunftsoption ausgerichtet.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) ist eine der umfassendsten, frei zugänglichen bibliografischen Datenbanken einzelner wissenschaftlicher elektronischer Zeitschriften. Die EZB weist mehr als 46.500 Titel zu allen Fachgebieten nach.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit (FONA) ist eine offene Plattform und bietet Informationen zu Förderung, Forschung und Innovation für die nachhaltige Entwicklung.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals.[1][2] The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880, is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is one million people.[3] The major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology. Although most scientific journals focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines. Science's impact factor for 2009 was 29.747 (as measured by the Institute for Scientific Information). Although it is the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, membership in the AAAS is not required to publish in Science. Papers are accepted from authors around the world. Competition to publish in Science is very intense, as an article published in such a highly cited journal can lead to attention and career advancement for the authors. Fewer than 10% of articles submitted to the editors are accepted for publication and all research articles are subject to peer review before they appear in the journal. Science is based in Washington, D.C., United States, with a second office in Cambridge, England.
    14 years ago by @thorade


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Program (GTP) is committed to developing and deploying a portfolio of innovative technologies for clean, domestic power generation. The Geothermal Technologies Program researches, develops, and validates innovative and cost-competitive technologies and tools to locate, access, and develop geothermal resources in the United States. We work in partnership with industry, academia, and DOE's national laboratories on research and development activities focused on these five areas: Enhanced Geothermal Systems Hydrothermal and Resource Confirmation Low-Temperature Resources Systems Analysis Technology Validation Why it Matters Geothermal energy, a virtually untapped energy resource derived from the earth's heat, is more vital today than ever—it supplies clean, renewable power around the clock, emits little or no greenhouse gases, and takes a very small environmental footprint to develop. By developing, demonstrating, and deploying innovative technologies, GTP's efforts are helping stimulate the growth of the geothermal industry within the renewable energy sector and encouraging quick adoption of technologies by the public and private sectors.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    The International Journal of Energy Research is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for the discussion of issues arising in energy research without the constraints imposed by aiming at a restricted audience. It aims to reach all researchers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, planners and policy makers working in the areas of energy management, production, conversion, conservation, systems, technologies and applications, and their impact on the environment and sustainable development. The subject matter of the Journal is concerned with the development and exploitation of both traditional and new energy sources, systems, technologies and applications. Interdisciplinary subjects in the area of novel energy systems and applications are also encouraged. High-quality research papers are solicited in, but are not limited to, the following areas: * Energy conversion, conservation and management * Energy storage * Hydrogen energy and fuel cells * Hydrogen production technologies * Micro- and nano-energy systems and technologies * Exergy analysis * Thermodynamic optimization * Electronics cooling * Nuclear energy * Renewable energy (e.g. geothermal, solar, wind, hydro, tidal wave, biomass) * Energy and sustainable development * Energy and environmental impact * CO2 capturing and storage technologies * Clean coal technologies * Biofuels and alternatives * Life cycle assessment * Hybrid/integrated energy systems * Heat pumps and heat pipes * Advanced power generation and refrigeration systems * Energy system analysis and modelling Submitted manuscripts should report on original works in the area of novel energy systems and applications which may be expected to address current technical, technological, economic, environmental, performance, sustainability problems and bring potential solutions through improvements in efficiency, cost effectiveness, use of resources and sustainability, as well as improved energy security and improvements to the environment. IJER publishes high-quality original papers, review articles and short communications in the area of novel energy systems and applications. Those pertaining to modeling, theory, analysis, simulations, technology development, experiments, visualization and measurement techniques are also appropriate for the journal. IJER will also include letters to the editor, book reviews, an events calendar etc.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    ETDE World Energy Base or ETDEWEB is our Internet tool for disseminating the energy research and technology information that we collect and exchange. It also includes a federated searching option for one-stop searching of related science sites. Users in member countries and many developing countries have access privileges to ETDE's information. Some known user benefits include: * Staying abreast of recent developments in various research areas (including some basic sciences) * Avoiding duplication of research effort and learning from expected and unexpected results * Jump-starting research at a point further along than anticipated * Identifying which countries and people are involved in particular research areas * Promoting international cooperation in energy research and development * Understanding how countries deal with energy-related environmental and climate change issues * Finding approaches to energy use, including policy and economic factors, alternative and renewable energy sources, and conservation aspects * Finding a historical perspective on energy issues In addition to the energy research and technology information from ETDE member countries, the database contains citations published worldwide regarding nuclear, coal, and global climate change information. This broader coverage comes as a result of cooperation with other international partners. The database also contains information collected by the U.S. Department of Energy since 1974.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Published since 1923, ChERD specialises in research with practical significance including that which extends the boundaries of traditional chemical engineering. ChERD is the official journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE ): Part A. The journal brings current techniques and new design ideas together on all aspects of experimentation, development and theory from both the academic and industrial chemical engineering communities. ChERD publishes regular special issues focusing on specific topics, and issues dedicated to selected papers from major conferences. Core topic areas: 1. distillation and absorption 2. fluid flow 3. heat and mass transfer 4. materials processing and product development 5. oil and natural gas production 6. particle technology 7. pharmaceutical engineering 8. process systems engineering 9. reaction engineering 10. separation processes
    15 years ago by @thorade

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