Prominent EU actors urge for a new trade deal with the US, witnessing a concurrence relation with the post-Brexit UK concerning trade agreements with the USA
Wenn das Abkommen zwischen der EU und Großbritannien nicht bald klarer wird, müssen sich die Unternehmen auf das "schlimmste Szenario" vorbereiten, sagt der BDI. Exporte nach UK bereits sinkend.
Reviews the critical influence of right-wing think tanks on the Tory government (e.g. Liam Fox), which are pushing for a libertarian UK-US-trade agenda after brexit
LIAM FOX unpicked Jeremy Corbyn's long-awaited Brexit plan with a single sentence as the Brexiteer claimed Labour's policy would leave the UK bound to the EU, with even less power than before.
BBC host Nick Robinson slapped down Michel Barnier as he prepares to dismiss calls from Chancellor Philip Hammond's calls to include British financial services in the bespoke trade agreement between London and Brussels.
Chancellor Philip Hammond said on Wednesday that the UK would negotiate a "unique" Brexit agreement which includes financial services, just hours after EU negotiators rejected the possibility of such a deal.
"It is possible to include financial services within a trade deal but that it is very much in our mutual interest to do so," Hammond said.
Hammond's speech comes within hours of European Council president Donald Tusk saying such a deal was "out of the question".
Die EU würde von den Briten gerne bald wissen, wie die sich die künftigen Beziehungen vorstellen. In Brüssel hält man ein Handelsabkommen für wahrscheinlich, das sich an das CETA-Abkommen anlehnt, das man mit Kanada ausgehandelt hatte. Doch erst im März gibt sich die EU Leitlinien für die anstehenden Verhandlungen.
The government’s trade bill has its second reading on Tuesday, something which has gone unnoticed by many campaigners and commentators, let alone the wider population. And that’s a problem. Anyone who cares about democracy, our nation’s prosperity and the future of post-Brexit Britain, should care deeply. It is nowhere near as innocuous as it sounds. It’s a Trojan horse.
Aus Brüssel ist bisher bloß zu hören, was man den Briten alles nicht zugestehen will. Doch wie soll es weitergehen? Kann ein Handelsabkommen die Beziehungen wirklich retten?
Der britische Brexit-Minister David Davis will dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) noch Jahre nach dem EU-Austritt seines Landes das letzte Wort in Rechtsfragen einräumen.
The City’s top financial watchdog has said there is no reason why financial services should be excluded from a post-Brexit free trade agreement between the UK and the EU.
The EU recently proposed a single trade agreement with the United States, so there is no reason it cannot have one with the UK post-Brexit, according to the chief executive of the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
It has become clear, if it wasn’t before, that there is a fundamental choice between pursuing progressive policies and a hard Brexit. Rather than enabling Corbyn’s Britain – the regulations, state aid and nationalisation desired by many on the Left – a hard Brexit could derail these visions. Leaving the EU isn’t just going to consume government and parliament now, it is likely to dominate the next decade, politically and financially constraining any government in the future.