

. Proceedings of The fourth YERME Summer School (YESS-4), (2008)


In my study, I intend to investigate the role of mathematical visual representations in the construction of mathematical meaning. It has been argued that meaning does not reside only in written and spoken language but also in other different modes of communication such as visual representations, gestures and actions (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006; Lemke, 1998; Morgan, 1996; O'Halloran, 1999). Mathematics is a multimodal/multisemiotic discourse where different modes of communication take place such as verbal language, algebraic notations, visual forms and gesture. These different modes may offer different meanings or they may convey one set of meanings (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006). The verbal language in (mathematical) texts, for instance, despite its power, has limited ability ‘to represent spatial relations such as the angles of a triangle (..) or irrational ratios’ (Lemke, 1999, p. 175). Thus we need diagrams or algebraic notations to represent these qualities or quantities enabling us to re-examine the argument. In the same manner, gestures help in representing dynamic acts, which both language and visual representations have limited ability to represent these acts. It is the deployment of all these (and other) modes which carries the ‘unified’ meanings (Lemke, 1999).

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