
User page

This page is your personal user page, where only the publications and bookmarks in your collection are displayed.
To access your user page, just click on your username in the right main menu or enter the URL http://www.bibsonomy.org/user/your_username.

You can also access the user page of any other user by inserting their username into the previous shown URL or by entering their username into the search bar on the upper right side.


  1. A user's bookmarks/publications - Here you can view the bookmarks and publications that are stored in a user's personal collection.

  2. Add as a friend/follow/CV - Click on the button "add as friend" to add the user to your friends list or "follow" to follow them. Click on the button "CV" to view the users Curriculum Vitae. Click on the arrow next to the button and then on "show personalized posts" to get a personalized view of the user's posts.

  3. Discussion - Here you can view the posts that were recently discussed by the user.

  4. Concepts - The list of concepts of the user.

  5. Similar users - A list of users that are similar to this user. By clicking on "more...", you can change the algorithm that calculates similarity between users ( FolkRank (default), Jaccard, Cosine and TF-IDF).

  6. Tags - The list of tags of the user.

Click here to go back to beginner's area and learn more about the basic functions.