The new context API that comes with React 16.3 is pretty neat. It was built in the render props style trending over these last months. Let’s explore it: This talk from the excellent Jing Chen has…
This is a big blog post, ( 25 pages). This paper was presented at the International Society for Systems Sciences Conference in Berlin August 2015. It will be published in the ISSS Journal as well. The following pages are a beginning of a concept and terminology that I have found useful in my own work…
Professor of Learning Analytics at The Open University, Bart Rienties, has spent much of his career researching how data can improve teaching methods and have a positive impact on how students learn.
// Set up the environment for creating the initial context Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:389/o=JNDITutorial"); // Authenticate as S. User and password "mysecret" env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=S. User, ou=NewHires, o=JNDITutorial"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "mysecret"); // Create the initial context DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); // ... do something useful with ctx
This paper describes a differing representation of the term scaffolding, with particular emphasis on spoken language as a tool to learning. Discussion examines difficulties faced by practitioners when transforming the theoretical aspects of scaffolding to more practical application, and in particular observes the value of involvement in the learning process. Discourse assesses how the child is led towards becoming an independent learner and how they subsequently reach a predetermined goal, set by the practitioner. It highlights therefore, the importance of evidence to support how scaffolding contributes towards increased competence, and examples provided demonstrate the transition from teacher support to that of independent problem solving. The paper concludes that the notion of scaffolding benefits greater understanding of both teaching and learning, which ultimately contributes to greater knowledge by the learner.
This article defines the original concept of scaffolding as defined by Bruner, related to the notion of ZPD in Vygotsky. The study gives examples of the role talk can play in scaffolding students' learning. Maybin et al caution the reader that many factors need to be considered when undertaking an analysis of scaffolding.
Martin has claimed the role of genre in a functional model of language. I have applied this method into my teaching ESL students to develop their English language through literacy, reading and writing and to broaden a range of writing mostly.;” Martin doubts about applying the genre – based approach and I personally think that it works with L2,as I have started to apply it with my ESL students.
75 minutes. (February 25, 2011) Yvonne Rogers discusses how "designing in the wild" is causing a new rise in discoveries and a new direction in computer science. She ill...
The Context Toolkit aims at facilitating the development and deployment
of context-aware applications.
By context, we mean environmental information that is part of
an application's operating environment and that can be sensed by the application.
The Context Toolkit consists of context widgets and a distributed infrastructure
that hosts the widgets. Context widgets are software components
that provide applications with access to context information while hiding
the details of context sensing.
In the same way GUI widgets insulate applications from some presentation
concerns, context widgets insulate applications from context acquisition
To summarize, the services of the Context Toolkit are:
encapsulation of sensors
access to context data through a network API
abstraction of context data through interpreters
sharing of context data through a distributed infrastructure
storage of context data, including history
basic access control for privacy protection
A context adaptive system typically enables the user to maintain a certain application (in different forms) while roaming between different wireless access technologies, locations, devices and even simultaneously executing everyday tasks like meetings, driving a car etc. For example a context adaptive and hence ubiquitous navigation system would offer navigation support in the situations at home, indoor, outdoor, and in car. This involves making the navigation functionality available for different availability of output devices, input devices and location sensors as well as adapting the user interaction operability to the current speed, noise or operator handicaps while keeping in mind the overall applicability depending on the user preferences, his knowledge, current task etc.[1]
Kontextadaption ist ein Begriff aus der Softwaretechnik, der verwendet wird, um technische Systeme zu bezeichnen, die ihre Struktur, Funktionalität oder Verhalten zur Laufzeit ändern können, um sich an unterschiedliche Umgebungsgegebenheiten zu richten.
Context-aware computing refers to a general class of mobile systems that can sense their physical environment, i.e., their context of use, and adapt their behavior accordingly. Such systems are a component of a ubiquitous computing or pervasive computing environment. Three important aspects of context are: (1) where you are; (2) who you are with; and (3) what resources are nearby. Although location is a primary capability, location-aware does not necessarily capture things of interest that are mobile or changing. Context-aware in contrast is used more generally to include nearby people, devices, lighting, noise level, network availability, and even the social situation; e.g., whether you are with your family or a friend from school.
- leave anything related to transport, communication to other layers- use this revised CEP to express and execute event-relevant logic, the purpose of which is to translate the ambient events into relevant business events- have these business events trigger business processes (however lightweight you want to make them)- have these business processes invoke decision services implemented through decision management to decide what they should be doing at every step- have the business processes invoke action services to execute the actions decided by the decision services- all the while generating business events or ambient events- etc.
A common task in many event processing systems is to detect patterns of events.
If combined, these patterns will eventually form a situation consisting of multiple patterns over time.
So basically a detected instance of a situation is a specific sequence of events.
A. Novotny, and C. Bauer. 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2017), page 301-310. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (December 2017)