Welcome to the Database of Military Inscriptions and Papyri of Early Roman Palestine! This site is designed to aid the study of the military in the early Roman period for those interested in Judaism and Christianity of the first few centuries CE. This website is still deep under construction, but has basic functionality at this…
Das Gelobte Land eine Nazi-Hochburg? Genau. Vor 1939 war jeder dritte deutsche Siedler in Palästina Mitglied der NSDAP, die Hitler-Jugend von Haifa bot Hebräisch-Kurse an. Nach dem Krieg mussten die Palästina-Deutschen weichen - und wurden von Israel finanziell entschädigt. //Von Ralf Balke//
The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine project seeks to collect and make accessible over the Web all of the previously published inscriptions (and their English translations) of Israel/Palestine from the Persian period through the Islamic conquest (ca. 500 BCE - 640 CE). There are about 15,000 of these inscriptions, written primarily in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin, by Jews, Christians, and pagans. They range from imperial declarations on monumental architecture to notices of donations in synagogues to humble names scratched on ossuaries, and include everything in between.