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    Welcome to the Open Learning Design Studio's MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) "Learning Design for a 21st Century Curriculum". The course ran from 10th January to 13th March 2013. There are currently no plans to repeat the live presentation, however all the materials remain available as Open Educational Resources. Group produced OLDS MOOC Course MapThis free, open and online course (MOOC) has been designed with further and higher education professionals in mind - lecturers, qualification teams, awarding bodies, learning technologists, library and student support staff and learning and teaching specialists - but may also be of interest to teachers (or teachers to be) in secondary schools or informal/work based learning facilitators, in fact, anyone with an interest in curriculum and learning design. The course has been funded by JISC as part of a benefits realisation programme and is intended to build on the success of the Open University Learning Design Initiative (OULDI) and other JISC funded curriculum design and delivery projects. We expected that many participants would commit for the 9-week 'journey', following the MOOC through from start to end and dedicating 3-10 hours a week. Others joined us for specific weeks or even a single activity. Participants found answers to specific questions that interest them, and had the opportunity to experience particular tools, techniques, representations or methodologies which they could apply in their practice. The structure of the MOOC reflects a proposed process for a design inquiry project. In such a process, designers identify a (learning/curriculum) design challenge, explore it to gain an understanding of its context and driving forces, generate possible solutions, implement a solution and reflect on the process as a whole and its outputs. More about the course... and OLDS MOOC - how it works... and the Accessibility Statement
    2 years ago by @yish

    #Change11 An update on posts related to MOOCs
    12 years ago by @yish
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