Z. Grosser, A. Schmidt, M. Bachl, and C. Kunzmann. Professionelles Wissensmanagement. Tagungsband der 9. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement (Professional Knowledge Management) Karlsruhe, Germany, April 5-7, 2017., page 2-17. (2017)
C. Kunzmann, P. Rieker, and A. Schmidt. 3rd International Workshop on Motivational & Affective Aspects in Technology Enhanced Learning, co-located with ECTEL 2013, (September 2013)
C. Kunzmann, T. Roser, A. Schmidt, and T. Stiehl. 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning, co-located with ECTEL 2013, (September 2013)