
Workers, sexuals, or both? Optimal allocation of resources to reproduction and growth in annual insect colonies

, , and . Insectes Sociaux, 56 (2): 119--129 (July 2009)


Abstract  Understanding decisions about the allocation of resources into colony growth and reproduction in social insects is one of the challenging issues in sociobiology. In their seminal paper, Macevicz and Oster predicted that, for most annual insectcolonies, a bang–bang strategy should be favoured by selection, i.e. a strategy characterised by an “ergonomic phase” withexponential colony growth followed by a “reproductive phase” with all resources invested into the production of sexuals. Yet,there is empirical evidence for the simultaneous investment into the production of workers and sexuals in annual colonies(graded control). We, therefore, re-analyse and extend the original model of Macevicz and Oster. Using basic calculus, wecan show that sufficiently strong negative correlation between colony size and worker efficiency or increasing mortality ofworkers with increasing colony size will favour the evolution of graded allocation strategies. By similar reasoning, gradedcontrol is predicted for other factors limiting colony productivity (for example, if queens’ egg laying capacity is limited).


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