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%0 Conference Paper
%1 kohls2017hybrid
%A Kohls, Christian
%B Proceedings of the VikingPLoP 2017 Conference on Pattern Languages of Program
%D 2017
%E Marquardt, Klaus
%E Kohls, Christian
%K hybrid learning spaces
%P 1-12
%T Hybrid learning spaces
added-at = {2020-01-13T00:32:42.000+0100},
author = {Kohls, Christian},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the VikingPLoP 2017 Conference on Pattern Languages of Program},
editor = {Marquardt, Klaus and Kohls, Christian},
interhash = {3283c43d9038f1c2ee62af1821df5559},
intrahash = {6361c17ab1d24b052b508177c636d5d6},
keywords = {hybrid learning spaces},
pages = {1-12},
publisher = {ACM},
timestamp = {2020-01-13T00:32:42.000+0100},
title = {Hybrid learning spaces},
year = 2017