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Hybrid learning spaces

. Proceedings of the VikingPLoP 2017 Conference on Pattern Languages of Program, page 1-12. ACM, (2017)

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Is that true? Thoughts on the epistemology of patterns., and . Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (2009)Towards a Pattern Language for Creative Affordances., and . EuroPLoP, page 33:1-33:10. ACM, (2024)Maker Spaces for Hybrid Education.. EuroPLoP, page 19:1-19:9. ACM, (2022)Patterns for ad-hoc online collaboration., and . EuroPLoP, page 12:1-12:16. ACM, (2021)Outside In and Inside Out: New Hybrid Education Patterns., , , and . EuroPLoP, page 21:1-21:9. ACM, (2018)Hybrid Collaboration Patterns, , , , and . European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, page 1-14. (2018)Use & Usability: Portalevaluation mit Eye-Tracking und Logfile-Daten., , and . DeLFI, volume P-87 of LNI, page 267-278. GI, (2006)Hybrid learning spaces. Proceedings of the VikingPLoP 2017 Conference on Pattern Languages of Program, page 1-12. ACM, (2017)Creativity patterns: 5 Habits.. VikingPLoP, page 9:1-9:18. ACM, (2016)Social Media and Seamless Learning: Lessons Learned, , and . Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning, (2016)