Teil eines Buches,

Motivational Perspectives on Students’ Responses to Learning in Virtual Learning Environments

, und .
Springer, Heidelberg, (2006)


Virtual learning environments are of special interest to educators because it is the province of educators to create, select, and provide environments that encourage learning. This is true whether the educator is concerned with very young childrenwho have a very limited range of knowledge and skills, or mature learners whose experience has equipped them with extensiveknowledge and well-developed learning strategies. It is the way environments set the framework or context for experiencesthat make them key tools whereby educators influence the direction of learning. Learning happens with or without the educator.However, the yardstick for evaluation of any educational endeavor is the degree that learning approximates the goals and outcomesvalued by learners, educators, educational institutions, and educational systems. The chapters in this volume acknowledgethat throughout history humans have used a wide range of technologies to design and construct environments to encourage thedevelopment of knowledge and skills in their young. However, the power of environments to promote learning has been accentuatedby electronic information technologies as they offer an ever-increasing range of digital and virtual forms. These virtuallearning environments have the potential to provide opportunities for active, flexible, and increasingly individualized learningexperiences. Our examination of motivational perspectives will range widely across the electronic information technologiesthat are used in creating virtual learning environments, from the simplest forms of computer-aided instruction through tocomplex virtual reality environments.



  • @tobold

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