To help researchers investigate relation extraction, we’re releasing a human-judged dataset of two relations about public figures on Wikipedia: nearly 10,000 examples of “place of birth”, and over 40,000 examples of “attended or graduated from an institution”. Each of these was judged by at least 5 raters, and can be used to train or evaluate relation extraction systems. We also plan to release more relations of new types in the coming months.
A new analysis of data from del.ici.ous shows that, while the number of tags grows roughly in proportion to the growth of content, users can unwittingly provide bridges between networks of seemingly unrelated concepts.
L. Hettinger, A. Zehe, A. Dallmann, and A. Hotho. INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft, page 191-204. Bonn, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2019)