Google has perhaps more than any other company become "The Internet Company." It's grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform. And let's face it, Google is a pretty interesting company. In fact, we think it's so interesting that we put together this infographic with a ton of facts and figures about Google. We've been digging through Google's SEC filings, news articles and the trusty old Wikipedia to get plenty of interesting data to include. We hope you like it!
The search giant generated $10.9 billion in ad revenue in the first six months of 2012, while newspapers and magazines in the U.S. made $10.5 billion, according to Statista.
On September 27, 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google and began their work in the garage of businesswoman Susan Wojcicki. Up to this day, the company has become one of the most powerful in the field of search, cloud computing, productivity software, and advertising, running more than one million servers world wide.
Imagine you want to move out of your apartment. When you ask your landlord about the terms of your previous lease, he says that you are free to leave at any time; however, you cannot take all of your things with you - not your photos, your keepsakes, or your clothing. If you're like most people, a restriction like this may cause you to rethink moving altogether. Not only is this a bad situation for you as the tenant, but it's also detrimental to the housing industry as a whole, which no longer has incentive to build better apartments at all.
Bei einem Round Table für die Presse in München bemühte sich Google gestern, mit Fakten und Meinungen von Beteiligten etwas mehr Sachlichkeit in die Diskussion um seine Buchsuche zu bringen.
04. Mai 2009 Wer Google fragt, erhält Links. Wer Wolfram Alpha fragt, bekommt Antworten. Die „Wissensmaschine“ des Mathematikgenies Stephen Wolfram spuckt auf die Frage nach der Temperatur in einer Stadt eine Grafik mit dem Temperaturverlauf der vergangenen Tage und eine Vorhersage für die kommenden Tage aus.
Während Stephen Wolfram seine neue Wissenengine Wolfram Alpha erstmals öffentlich präsentierte, startete Google einen Dienst, der offenbar Ähnliches beherrscht.
Der US-amerikanische Suchmaschinen-Anbieter und Online-Werbevermarkter Google hat im vergangenen Quartal erfolgreich an der Kostenschraube gedreht und mit seinem Gewinn die Markterwartungen übertroffen.
H. Sack. Proceedings of SWAP 2005, the 2nd Italian Semantic Web Workshop, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2005), volume 166 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Trento, Italy,, (December 2005)
P. Desikan, N. Pathak, J. Srivastava, and V. Kumar. ICWE '06: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web engineering, page 233--240. New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, (July 2006)