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    In today's humongous database systems, clarity may be relaxed, but business needs can still be met. Pat Helland, Microsoft Classic database systems offer crisp answers for a relatively small amount of data. These systems hold their data in one or a relatively small number of computers. With a tightly defined schema and transactional consistency, the results returned from queries are crisp and accurate. New systems have humongous amounts of data content, change rates, and querying rates and take lots of computers to hold and process. The data quality and meaning are fuzzy. The schema, if present, is likely to vary across the data. The origin of the data may be suspect, and its staleness may vary. Today's data systems coalesce data from many sources. The Internet, B2B, and enterprise application integration (EAI) combine data from different places. No computer is an island. This large amount of interconnectivity and interdependency has led to a relaxation of many database principles. Let's consider the ways in which today's answers differ from what we used to expect.
    14 years ago by @taspel
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