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Knowledge Management: The Hidden Power Behind Network-Centric Healthcare., , , , и . AMCIS, стр. 313. Association for Information Systems, (2007)Developing a BPI framework and PAM for SMEs., , и . Ind. Manag. Data Syst., 107 (3): 345-360 (2007)Predicting Fall Risks Vulnerability with Inpatient Data in Acute Care Hospitalization., , и . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2020)Using Actor-Network Theory to Facilitate a Superior Understanding of Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Transfer., , и . InnovaInt. J. Actor Netw. Theory Technol. Innov., 2 (4): 30-42 (2010)Digital healthcare services., , и . Electron. Mark., 31 (4): 743-746 (2021)Validity and Reliability of a Novel Smartphone Tele-Assessment Solution for Quantifying Hip Range of Motion., , , , , , , , и . Sensors, 22 (21): 8154 (2022)Combating Health Inequalities Using IT: The Case of Games for Controlling Diabetes and Obesity in Chicago's South Side.. WIS, том 907 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 233-241. Springer, (2018)You Want Me to Use This EMR?, , , и . Nursing Informatics, том 284 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 545-546. IOS Press, (2021)The Wow Factor of e-Health., и . Bled eConference, стр. 32. (2013)Evaluation of e-Health in China., , , и . Bled eConference, стр. 5. (2010)