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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

TrustAV: Practical and Privacy Preserving Malware Analysis in the Cloud., , , , und . CODASPY, Seite 39-48. ACM, (2020)Due to the escalation of the COVID-19 situation around the world, CODASPY'20 was postponed to early fall 2020..Master of Web Puppets: Abusing Web Browsers for Persistent and Stealthy Computation., , , , , und . NDSS, The Internet Society, (2019)Enabling GPU-assisted Antivirus Protection on Android Devices through Edge Offloading., , , , , und . EdgeSys@MobiSys, Seite 13-18. ACM, (2018)MIDeA: a multi-parallel intrusion detection architecture., , und . CCS, Seite 297-308. ACM, (2011)An enclave assisted snapshot-based kernel integrity monitor., , , und . EdgeSys@EuroSys, Seite 19-24. ACM, (2020)On Architectural Support for Instruction Set Randomization., , , , und . ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim., 17 (4): 36:1-36:26 (2020)PixelVault: Using GPUs for Securing Cryptographic Operations., , , und . CCS, Seite 1131-1142. ACM, (2014)GrAVity: A Massively Parallel Antivirus Engine., und . RAID, Volume 6307 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 79-96. Springer, (2010)GPU-Disasm: A GPU-Based X86 Disassembler., , , , und . ISC, Volume 9290 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 472-489. Springer, (2015)GPU-assisted malware., , und . MALWARE, Seite 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)