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Using principle patterns to optimize real-time ORBs., , , , , and . IEEE Concurr., 8 (1): 16-25 (2000)CCMPerf: A Benchmarking Tool for CORBA Component Model Implementations., , , , , and . IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, page 140-147. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Applying Reflective Middleware Techniques to Optimize a QoS-Enabled CORBA Component Model Implementation., , , and . COMPSAC, page 492-499. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)The Design and Performance of Meta-Programming Mechanisms for Object Request Broker Middleware., , , and . COOTS, page 101-118. USENIX, (2001)Towards Middleware for Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems., , , and . DAIS, volume 5053 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 72-85. (2008)Information Integration Via an End-to-End Distributed Semantic Web System., , , and . ISWC, volume 4273 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 764-777. Springer, (2006)Applying Optimization Principle Patterns to Design Real-Time ORBs., , , , , and . COOTS, page 145-160. USENIX, (1999)Distributed Technologies for Remote Access of HDF Data., , , , and . WETICE, page 255-260. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)CoSMIC: An MDA Generative Tool for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Applications., , , , and . Middleware Workshops, page 300-306. PUC-Rio, (2003)The Design and Performance of Configurable Component Middleware for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems., , , and . RTSS, page 252-261. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)