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Towards Highly Configurable Real-Time Object Request Brokers., , and . Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, page 437-447. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols Framework for Real-Time Distributed Object Computing Middleware., , , , and . Middleware, volume 1795 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 372-395. Springer, (2000)Applying a scalable CORBA event service to large-scale distributed interactive simulations., , , and . WORDS (Fall), page 67-74. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Applying Optimization Principle Patterns to Design Real-Time ORBs., , , , , and . COOTS, page 145-160. USENIX, (1999)The Design and Performance of a Scalable ORB Architecture for CORBA Asynchronous Messaging., , , , and . Middleware, volume 1795 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 208-230. Springer, (2000)Designing and Optimizing a Scalable CORBA Notification Service., , , and . OM@PLDI, page 196-204. ACM, (2001)Evaluating Policies and Mechanisms for Supporting Embedded, Real-Time Applications with CORBA 3.0., , , , , , and . IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium, page 188-197. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols Framework for CORBA Middleware., , , , and . Protocols for High-Speed Networks, volume 158 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 81-98. Kluwer, (1999)Design and Performance of Asynchronous Method Handling for CORBA., , , and . OTM, volume 2519 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 568-586. Springer, (2002)Using principle patterns to optimize real-time ORBs., , , , , and . IEEE Concurr., 8 (1): 16-25 (2000)