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RESET (Re-Enter STEM through Emerging Technology): Finding Re-Entry Pathways for Women., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 173-174. ACM, (2020)Transforming Education: Upskilling for a Cloudy Tomorrow., и . SIGITE, стр. 91-96. ACM, (2021)Student-To-Workforce Pipeline: Are Your Faculties' Future Cloudy?, и . SIGITE, стр. 352. ACM, (2020)Debugging the Gender Gap: (Re-)entry Initiatives in Emerging Technologies for Women., , , и . SIGITE, стр. 156-157. ACM, (2020)Equipping and Empowering Faculty through Professional Development to Create a Future-Ready Workforce in Emerging Technologies., , , и . SIGITE, стр. 21-22. ACM, (2021)Diversifying the Face of Computing through Re-entry Initiatives for Returning Women., , и . SIGCSE (2), стр. 1145. ACM, (2022)A Comparison of Social Service Selection Techniques., , и . DASC, стр. 260-265. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Re-Entering Computing through Emerging Technology: Current State and Special Issue Introduction., и . ACM Trans. Comput. Educ., 21 (2): 9:1-9:5 (2021)Cultivating Next Generation Emerging Technology Workforce through Academia-Industry Partnerships., и . SIGITE, стр. 296. ACM, (2020)Identifying Effective Re-entry Pathways for Returning Women to Transition into Computing and Tech Education and Workforce., , и . FIE, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2022)