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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A fast method for estimation of object rotation function in MRI using a similarity criterion among k-space overlap data, , und . Signal Processing, 78 (2): 215--230 (Oktober 1999)A new method for ROI extraction from motion affected MR images based on suppression of artifacts in the image background, , und . Signal Processing, 80 (5): 867--881 (Mai 2000)Examine User Adoption of Mobile Payment Using the TAM: A Trust Transfer Perspective., und . WHICEB, Seite 55. Association for Information Systems, (2014)Image processing and reconstruction of cultured neuron skeletons., , , , , und . Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst., 5 (4): 179-196 (2008)Modeling and training emotional talking faces of virtual actors in synthetic movies., und . VCIP, Volume 4067 von Proceedings of SPIE, Seite 1480-1489. SPIE, (2000)Neural networks for learning human facial features from labeled graph models., und . ANZIIS, Seite 170-173. IEEE, (1996)The data envelopment analysis model with intersection form production possibility set., und . J. Systems Science & Complexity, 23 (6): 1086-1101 (2010)GPU-based biclustering for microarray data analysis in neurocomputing., , , und . Neurocomputing, (2014)A deblocking method for BDCT compressed images based on adaptive projections., und . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 15 (3): 430-435 (2005)A new skeletonization algorithm based on constrained Delaunay triangulation., , und . ISSPA, Seite 927-930. IEEE, (1999)