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Lost in Translation from Abstract Learning Design to ICT Implementation: A Study Using Moodle for CSCL.

, , , , and . EC-TEL, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 264-277. Springer, (2012)

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Making Learning Designs Happen in Distributed Learning Environments with GLUE!-PS., , , and . EC-TEL, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 489-494. Springer, (2012)U-Seek: Searching Educational Tools in the Web of Data., , , and . EC-TEL, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-530. Springer, (2012)Integration of External Tools in VLEs with the GLUE! Architecture: A Case Study., , , , , and . EC-TEL, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 371-376. Springer, (2012)Monitoring Collaboration in Flexible and Personal Learning Environments., , and . IxD&A, (2011)Demonstration of the Integration of External Tools in VLEs with the GLUE! Architecture., , , , , and . EC-TEL, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 465-470. Springer, (2012)Lost in Translation from Abstract Learning Design to ICT Implementation: A Study Using Moodle for CSCL., , , , and . EC-TEL, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 264-277. Springer, (2012)Early prediction of students' efficiency during online assessments using a Long-Short Term Memory architecture., , , and . LASI-SPAIN, volume 2671 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 39-46., (2020)Predicting Student Participation in Peer Reviews in MOOCs., , , , and . EMOOCs-WIP, volume 1841 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 65-70., (2017)