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Internet Topology: Discovery and Policy Impact: Part I., , и . The Internet as a Large-Scale Complex System, Oxford University Press, (2005)MediaScope: selective on-demand media retrieval from mobile devices., , , , , и . IPSN, стр. 289-300. ACM, (2013)DBit: Assessing Statistically Significant Differences in CDN Performance., , , и . TMA, IFIP, (2016)An Analysis of Internet Inter-Domain Topology and Route Stability., и . INFOCOM, стр. 850-857. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Effective Routing and Scheduling Strategies for Fault-Tolerant Time-Sensitive Networking., , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (6): 11008-11020 (марта 2024)Census and survey of the visible internet, , , , , и . Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, стр. 169--182. ACM, (2008)Context adaptive thresholding and entropy coding for very low complexity JPEG transcoding., , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 1392-1396. IEEE, (2016)Trumpet: Timely and Precise Triggers in Data Centers., , , и . SIGCOMM, стр. 129-143. ACM, (2016)Energy-delay tradeoffs in smartphone applications., , , , , и . MobiSys, стр. 255-270. ACM, (2010)Resource/accuracy tradeoffs in software-defined measurement., , и . HotSDN, стр. 73-78. ACM, (2013)