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, , and . Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans AND ATMOSPHERES, 84 (NC6): 3097--3107 (1979)

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Habitable Zones around Main Sequence Stars, , and . ıcarus, (January 1993)THE SULFUR CYCLE IN THE MARINE ATMOSPHERE, , , and . Journal of Geophysical Research-ATMOSPHERES, 92 (D1): 943--963 (1987)LIMITS ON OXYGEN CONCENTRATION IN THE PREBIOLOGICAL ATMOSPHERE AND THE RATE OF ABIOTIC FIXATION OF NITROGEN, and . Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans AND ATMOSPHERES, 86 (NC2): 1147--1158 (1981)THE EVOLUTION OF ATMOSPHERIC OZONE, and . Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans AND ATMOSPHERES, 85 (NC6): 3255--3263 (1980)OXYGEN LEVELS IN THE PREBIOLOGICAL ATMOSPHERE, , and . Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans AND ATMOSPHERES, 84 (NC6): 3097--3107 (1979)PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF METHANE IN THE EARTHS EARLY ATMOSPHERE, , and . PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 20 (2-4): 121--148 (1983)RESPONSE OF EARTHS ATMOSPHERE TO INCREASES IN SOLAR FLUX AND IMPLICATIONS FOR LOSS OF WATER FROM VENUS, , and . Icarus, 57 (3): 335--355 (1984)NONMETHANE HYDROCARBONS IN THE TROPOSPHEREIMPACT ON THE ODD HYDROGEN AND ODD NITROGEN CHEMISTRY, and . Journal of Geophysical Research-ATMOSPHERES, 91 (D12): 3239--3256 (1986)Rise of atmospheric oxygen and the üpside-down" Archean mantle, , and . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, (2001)Influence of carbon dioxide clouds on early martian climate, , , and . Icarus, 145 (2): 546--554 (2000)